V. I. R. Niculescu, L. Sandru, M. R. Leonovici, S. Miclos, V. Babin, A. Voinescu, Current two beams piecewise undulator, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Communications, 3/4  (2009) 390-391

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V. Ghenescu, L. Ion, M. Ghenescu, M. Rusu, M. Gugiu, G. Velisa, O. Porumb, S. Antohe, Effects of proton irradiation on structural and optical properties of CdS thin films used in photovoltaic applications, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rap. Comm. , 3/10 (2009) 1023 – 1026

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T. Frenţiu, M. Ponta, A. Mihălţan, E. Cordoş, M. Frenţiu, G. Lăzăroiu, L. Traistă, R. Indrieş, Qualitative Assessment of Heavy Metals Sources in Pitcola/Biomass Briquettes Combustion Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis, J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mater., 11 (2009) 697 – 710

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T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, E. Levei, E. Cordos, Study of partitioning and dynamic of metals in contaminated soil using the modified four-step BCR sequential extraction procedure, Chemical Papers, 2009, 6/2 (2009) 239-248

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O. Cadar, C. Roman, L. Gagea, I. Cernica, A. Matei, Synthesis, characterization and optimum reaction conditions for nanostructured zinc oxide, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia, LIV, 4 (2009) 117-124

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A. Ozunu, L. Ştefănescu, C. Costan, M. Miclean, C. Modoi, S.N. Vlad, Surface water pollution generated by mining activities case study: Aries River middle catchment basin, Romania, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 8/4 (2009) 809-815

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M. Miclean, E. Levei, M. Şenilă, C. Roman, E. Cordoş, Assessment of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd availability to vegetable species grown in the vicinity of tailing deposits from Baia Mare area, Revista de Chimie, 60/1 (2009) 1-4

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M. Popescu, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, S. Miclos, A. Lorinczi, F. Sava, A. Velea, L. Baschir, M. Ciobanu, E. Matei, G. Socol, I. N. Mihailescu,H. Niciu, Chalcogenide photonic structures, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rap. Comm., 3/9 (2009) 851-859

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M. Mihai, D. Turtoi, R. Isopescu, C. Mateescu, I. Chilibon, Calcium carbonate synthesis in ultrasonic field, Revista de Chimie, 60/6 (2009) 626 – 631

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M. Elisa, B. Sava, A. Diaconu, D. Ursu, R. Patraşcu, Fluorescence of copper, manganese and antimony ions in phosphate glass host,J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 355/37-42 (2009) 1877-1879

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M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, A. Diaconu, L. Boroica, D. Ursu, I Stamatin, F. Nastase, C. Nastase, Thermal properties of ecological phosphate and silicate glasses, Glass. Phys. Chem., 35/6 (2009) 596-601

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L. Szell, V. Cetean, A. Toth, L. Gagea, C. Roman, M. Roman, A. Gog, Power plants ashes recovery in eco-friendly mortar composition, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria CHEMIA, 1 (2009) 59-68

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L. Senila, M. Miclean, C. Roman, C. Majdik, G. Záray, Determination of steroid hormones in Somes River water by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, Studia Universitatis Babes-Boyai CHEMIA, 54/4 –II (2009) 178-186

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J. Zobrist, M. Sima, D. Dogaru, M. Şenilă, H. Yang, C. Popescu, C. Roman, B. Abraham, L. Frei, B. Dold, D. Balteanu, Environmental and socioeconomic assessment of impacts by mining activities—a case study in the Certej River catchment, Western Carpathians, Romania, Environ. Sci.Pollut. Res, 16/S1 (2009) 14-26

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J. Striber, R. Radvan, L. Angheluta, Laser Spectroscopy methods for an 18th century grisaille painting investigation, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 11/11 (2009) 1815 – 1820

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G. Lăzăroiu, T. Frenţiu, L. Mihăescu, A. Mihaltan, M. Ponta, M. Frentiu, E. Cordos, The Synergistic Effect in Coal/Biomass Blend Briquettes Combustion on Element Behaviour in Bottom Ash using ICP-OES, J Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 11 (2009) 713 – 721

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E. M. Rotiu, B. A. Sava, M. Elisa, Molecular dynamics simulation for ternary lithium-aluminium-phosphate glass, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rap. Comm., 3/10 (2009) 1050 – 1055

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