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- Accesări: 5809
E. M. Carstea, A. Baker, I. Boomer, G. Pavelescu, Continuous fluorescence assessment of organic matter variability on the Bournbrook River, Birmingham, UK, Hydrol. Process. 23 (2009) 1937–1946
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- Accesări: 5866
E. M. Carstea, L. Ghervase, G. Pavelescu, D. Savastru, Assessment of the anthropogenic impact on water systems by fluorescence spectroscopy, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 8/6 (2009) 1321-1326
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- Accesări: 5462
E. Levei, T. Frenţiu, M. Ponta, M. Şenilă, M. Miclean, C. Roman, E. Cordoş, Characterization of soil quality and mobility of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Baia Mare area Northwest Romania following the historical pollution, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 89/8–12 (2009) 635–649
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- Accesări: 5745
C. Vasiliu, G. Epurescu, H. Niciu, O. Dumitrescu, C. Negrilă, M. Elisa, M. Filipescu, M. Dinescu, C. E. A. Grigorescu, Optical and structural investigations on rare earth-doped thin films of phosphate glasses prepared by pulsed laser deposition, J. Mater. Sci.: Materials in Electronics, 20/1 (2009) 282-285
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- Accesări: 6039
C. Majdik, M. Miclean, C. Roman, C. Indolean, E. Cordos, Chelate-induced phytoextraction of experimentally metal polluted soil, with Thlaspi Caerulescens, Revista de Chimie, 60/5 (2009) 533-536
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- Accesări: 5692
C. Constantinescu, A. Emandi, C. Vasiliu, C. Negrila, C. Logofatu, C. Cotarlan, M. Lazarescu, Thin films of Cu(II)-o,o'-dihydroxy azobenzene nanoparticle-embedded polyacrylic acid (PAA) for nonlinear optical applications developed by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE), Appl. Surf. Sci., 255/10 (2009) 5480-5485
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- Accesări: 5970
C. Burz, I. Berindan-Neagoe, O. Balacescu, C. Tănăselia, M. Ursu, A. Gog, L. Vlase, M. Chintoanu, L. Balacescu, S. E Leucuta, A. Irimie, V. Cristea, Clinical and pharmacokinetics study of oxaliplatin in colon cancer patients, J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, 18/1 (2009) 39-43
Citește mai departe:Clinical and pharmacokinetics study of oxaliplatin in colon cancer patients
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- Accesări: 5773
C. Horea, D. Rusu, I. Ardelean, Structural investigation of xFe2O3 · (100 - x)[P2O5 · TeO2] glass system by FT-IR study and EPR spectroscopy, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 20 (9), 2009, pp. 905-910
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- Accesări: 6122
B. A. Sava, A. Diaconu, L. Boroica, D. Ursu, T. Visan, M. Elisa, A. Balu, Raman and ESR study of sol–gel materials from ZnO–TiO2–B2O3 system, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 355 (2009) 2020–2022
Citește mai departe:Raman and ESR study of sol–gel materials from ZnO–TiO2–B2O3 system
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- Accesări: 5830
B. A. Sava, A. Diaconu, L. D. Ursu, M. Elisa, I. Stamatin, F. Nastase, C. Nastase, Structure of ecological lead free silicate glasses, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rap. Comm., 3/5 (2009) 435 – 438
Citește mai departe:tructure of ecological lead free silicate glasses
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- Accesări: 6118
A. Velea, M. Rusu, M. Popescu, Optical fiber coupling to a laser diode through chalcogenide microlenses, J. Optoelectron Adv Mater, 11/10 (2009) 1379 – 1383
Citește mai departe:Optical fiber coupling to a laser diode through chalcogenide microlenses
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- Accesări: 5840
A. Rotaru, A. Mietlarek-Kropidlowska, C. Constantinescu, N. Scarisoreanu, M. Dumitru, M. Strankowski, P. Rotaru, V. Ion, Valentin, C. Vasiliu, B. Becker, M. Dinescu, CdS thin films obtained by thermal treatment of cadmium(II) complex precursor deposited by MAPLE technique, Appl. Surf. Sci. , 255/15 (2009) 6786-6789
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- Accesări: 6100
A. Popescu, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, M. Ciobanu, M. Popescu, A. Lőrinczi, F. Sava, A. Velea, F. Jipa, M. Zamfirescu, Direct laser writing of two-dimensional photonic structures in amorphous As2S3 thin films, J. Optoelectronic. Adv. Mater.¸ 11/11 (2009) 1874 – 1880
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- Accesări: 5944
A. Nemuc, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, S. Stefan, E. Carstea, C. Radu, Dynamic of the lower troposphere from multiwavelength lidar measurements, Romanian Reports in Physics, 61/2 (2009) 313–323
Citește mai departe:Dynamic of the lower troposphere from multiwavelength lidar measurements
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