M. Ciobanu, V. Turcus, D. Savastru, A. Ardelean, C. Cotoraci, R. Savastru, E.M. Carstea, L. Ghervase, 2012. Two Approaches Characterizing the chatotic behavior of neurons. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(4), pp. 1519-1525, ISSN 1842-3582.

Citește mai departe:Two Approaches Characterizing the chatotic behavior of neurons

A. Popescu, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, S. Miclos, G. Socol, I.M. Mihailescu, 2012. High contrast 2D etched holes array obtained by direct laser writing on chalcogenide As2S3 films, 2012, Phys. Status Solidi A, 209(11), pp. 2173-2178, doi10.1002/pssa201127748.

Citește mai departe:High contrast 2D etched holes array obtained by direct laser writing on chalcogenide As2S3 films

M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, 2012, Electric field in void nanostructures. Rom. Rep. Phys, 64(4), pp. 1028-1031, ISSN 1221 – 1451.

Citește mai departe:Electric field in void nanostructures

M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, C. Chitaru, M. Tautan, L. Baschir, 2012. Monitoring of radon anomalies in South – Eastem part of Romania for earthquake surveillance. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, 293(3), pp. 769-781, doi: 10.1007/s10967-012-1780-4.

Citește mai departe:Monitoring of radon anomalies in South – Eastem part of Romania for earthquake surveillance

M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, 2012. Ground based 222 Radon observations in Bucharest, Romania and their application to geophysics. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, 293(3), pp. 877-888, doi:10.1007/s10967-012-1761-7.

Citește mai departe: Ground based 222 Radon observations in Bucharest, Romania and their application to geophysics

M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, D. Savastru, S. Dontu, 2012. Electric field in SOI Structures – Numerical Simulations for two Wavelenghts. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9(7), pp. 989-992, doi:10.1166/jtcn.2012.2130.

Citește mai departe: Electric field in SOI Structures – Numerical Simulations for two Wavelenghts

M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, D. Savastru, M. Mihailescu, M. Tautan, 2012. Confining light in void nanostructures. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9(7), pp. 906-907, doi:10.1166/jtcn.2012.2115.

Citește mai departe:Confining light in void nanostructures

M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, D. Savastru, M. Mihailescu, M. Tautan, 2012. Modeling tunable microwave antenna with photonic crystals, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 9(6), pp. 778-782, doi:10.1166/jtcn.2012.2095.

Citește mai departe:Modeling tunable microwave antenna with photonic crystals

M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, 2012. Radon levels assessment in relation with seismic events in Vrancea region. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, 293(2), pp. 655-663, doi:10.1007/S10967-012-1712-3.

Citește mai departe:Radon levels assessment in relation with seismic events in Vrancea region

L. Ghervase, C. Ioja, E. M. Carstea, G. Pavelescu, D. Savastru, 2012. Human daily activities reflected by the ecological state of natural water resources. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 11(3), pp. 567-571, ISSN 1582-9596.

Citește mai departe:Human daily activities reflected by the ecological state of natural water resources

R. Savastru, S. Dontu, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, V. Babin, 2012. Stable one-dimensional periodic wave in Kerr Type and quadratic nonlinear media. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, pp. 1-6, doi:10:1155/2012/532610.

Citește mai departe:. Stable one-dimensional periodic wave in Kerr Type and quadratic nonlinear media

L. Baschir , M. Popescu, Stefan Antohe Hysteresis effect in langmuir films based on barium stearate with phthalocyanine additives for uv sensing applications -Journal of Ovonic Research Vol. 8, No. 6, November –December 2012, p. 189–193

Citește mai departe:Hysteresis effect in langmuir films based on barium stearate with phthalocyanine additives for uv...

M. Zalkovskij, C. Zoffmann Bisgaard, A. Novitsky, R. Malureanu, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, P. Uhd Jepsen, A.V. Lavrinenko, 2012. Ultrabroad band terahertz spectroscopy of chalcogenide glasses. Applied Physics Letters, 100(3), pp. 1-4, doi:10.1063/1.3676443.

Citește mai departe:Ultrabroad band terahertz spectroscopy of chalcogenide glasses

L. Ghervase, M.A. Cordier, F. Ibalot, E. Parlanti, 2012. Storage effect on fluorescence signal of dissolved organic matter components. Romanian Report in Physics, 63(3), pp. 754-760, ISSN 1221-1451.

Citește mai departe: Storage effect on fluorescence signal of dissolved organic matter components

E.M. Carstea, L. Ghervase, G. Pavelescu, M. Tautan, 2012. Real time monitoring of an urban river contaminated with petroleum products. Enviromental Engineering and Management Journal, 11(2), pp. 279-283, ISSN 1582-9596.

Citește mai departe:Real time monitoring of an urban river contaminated with petroleum products

M. R. Calin, M. A. Calin, S. Vlase, I. Radulescu, Advanced materials in experimental equipments for absolute measurement of X and gamma-ray exposure rate with free-air and cavity ionization chambers, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater, 14(3-4): 282-286, 2012

Citește mai departe:Advanced materials in experimental equipments for absolute measurement of X and gamma-ray...

M.R. Calin, M.A. Calin, G. Simionca, O. Mera, Indoor radon levels and natural radioactivity in Turda salt mine, Romania, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 292(1): 193-201, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1394-2

Citește mai departe: Indoor radon levels and natural radioactivity in Turda salt mine, Romania

MR Calin, M Zoran, MA Calin, Radon levels assessment in some Northern Romanian salt mines, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 293 (2):565-572, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-012-1686-1

Citește mai departe:Radon levels assessment in some Northern Romanian salt mine

M.Simileanu, R. Radvan, 2012. Comparative study of mono and double pulse LIBS configurations analyses for on-site transportable set-up optimization. J Optoelectron Adv M., 14(11-12), pp. 1066-1070, ISSN: 1454-4164.

Citește mai departe:Comparative study of mono and double pulse LIBS configurations analyses for on-site transportable...

H. Sadek, M. Simileanu, R. Radvan, R. Gouma, 2012. Identification of Porcelain pigments by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. J Optoelectron Adv M, 12(9-10), pp. 857-861, ISSN: 1454-4164.

Citește mai departe:. Identification of Porcelain pigments by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

A. S. Moldovan, D. Savastru, N. Puscas, 2012. Implementing a data management structure to a computer assisted restoration platform. U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series A, 74(1), pp. 125-138, ISSN: 1223-7027.

Citește mai departe: Implementing a data management structure to a computer assisted restoration platform

A. S. Moldovan, 2012. Wireless polyvalent equipment for microclimate conditions monitoring. U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series A, 74(1), pp.171-182, ISSN: 1223-7027.

Citește mai departe:Wireless polyvalent equipment for microclimate conditions monitoring

V. Braic, A. Vladescu, M. Balaceanu, C.R. Luculescu, M. Braic, 2012. Nanostructured multi-element (TiZrNbHfTa)N and (TiZrNbHfTa)C hard coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology,(211), pp.117-121, ISSN 0257-8972.

Citește mai departe:. Nanostructured multi-element (TiZrNbHfTa)N and (TiZrNbHfTa)C hard coatings. Surface and...

 A. Velea, M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, I.D. Simandan, G. Socol, I.N. Mihailescu, N. Stefan, F. Jipa,M. Zamfirescu, A. Kiss, V. Braic, 2012, Photoexpansion and nano-lenslet formation in amorphous As2S3 thin films by 800 nm femtosecond laser irradiation, Journal of Applied Physics, (112/3) 033105-1-4, ISSN 1089-7550.

Citește mai departe:Photoexpansion and nano-lenslet formation in amorphous As2S3 thin films by 800 nm femtosecond...

V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, M. Braic, A. Vladescu, S. Panseri, A. Russo, 2012. Characterization of multi-principal-element (TiZrNbHfTa)N and (TiZrNbHfTa)C coatings for biomedical applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (10), pp. 197-205, ISSN 1751-6161.

Citește mai departe: Characterization of multi-principal-element (TiZrNbHfTa)N and (TiZrNbHfTa)C coatings for...

A.Vladescu, M.Balaceanu, I.Titorencu, M.Braic, C.N.Zoita, V.Braic, C.M.Cotrut, 2012. ZrNbCN thin films as protective layers in biomedical applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, (211), pp. 57-61, ISSN 0257-8972.

Citește mai departe:ZrNbCN thin films as protective layers in biomedical applications. Surface and Coatings Technology

A.C. Parau, A.E. Kiss, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, I. Pana, A. Vladescu, 2012. Effect of thermal treatment on the surface morphology and wettability of hydroxyapatite films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11- 12(14 ), pp. 1047-1052, ISSN 1454-4164.

Citește mai departe:Effect of thermal treatment on the surface morphology and wettability of hydroxyapatite films...

M. Straticiuc, I. Pana, I. Burducea, V. Braic, P. M. Racolta, Al. Jipa, 2012. Electron beam tests for a slow positron spectrometer. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 9-10(6), pp. 836-839, ISSN 1842-6573.

Citește mai departe:Electron beam tests for a slow positron spectrometer

N.C Zoita, C.E.A Grigorescu, 2012. Influence of growth temperature and deposition duration on the structure, surface morphology and optical properties of InN/YSZ (100). Applied Surface Science, 258 (16), pp. 6046-6051, ISSN 0169-4332.

Citește mai departe:nfluence of growth temperature and deposition duration on the structure, surface morphology and...

D. Tenciu, C.R. Iordanescu, R. Savastru, I.D. Feraru, A. Kiss, C.N. Zoita, R. Notonier, A. Tonetto, M. Eyraud, L. Tortet, 2012. Porous Al2O3 films obtained by PLD on copper templates. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(1), pp. 393 – 397, ISSN 1842-3582.

Citește mai departe:Porous Al2O3 films obtained by PLD on copper templates. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and...

B.A. Sava, M. Elisa, I.C. Vasiliu, F. Nastase, S. Simon, 2012. Investigations on sol-gel process and structural characterization of SiO2-P2O5 powders. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, (358), pp. 2877–2885, 0022-3093.

M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, I. C. Vasiliu, E. M. Carstea, I. Feraru, C. Tanaselia, M. Senila, B. Abraham, 2012. Optical and structural characterization of Eu3+, Dy3+, Ho3+ and Tm3+ - doped phosphate glasses. Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 53(5), pp. 219-224, 1753-3562.

Citește mai departe: Optical and structural characterization of Eu3+, Dy3+, Ho3+ and Tm3+ - doped phosphate glasses

 M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, I. C. Vasiliu, F. Nastase, C. Nastase, A. Volceanov, S. Stoleriu, 2012. Structural and morphological characterization of Pr3+ and Er3+-containing SiO2-P2O5 sol-gel thin films. Mat. Chem. Phys, (131), pp. 647-665, 0254-0584.

Citește mai departe:Structural and morphological characterization of Pr3+ and Er3+-containing SiO2-P2O5 sol-gel thin...

D.Grabco, O. Shikimaka, M. Elisa, B. Sava, L. Boroica, E. Harea, C. Pyrtsac, A. Prisacaru, I.D. Feraru, D. Ursu, 2012. Surface morphology and strength properties of SiO2-P2O5-Nd2O3 vitreous films. Surf. Eng. Appl. Electrochem, 48(5), pp. 430-438, 1068-3755.

Citește mai departe:Surface morphology and strength properties of SiO2-P2O5-Nd2O3 vitreous films

D.Z. Grabco, O.A. Shikimaka, M. Elisha, B. Sava, L. Boroika, C. Pyrtsac, Z. Danitsa, I.D Feraru, D. Ursu, 2012. Features of mechanical properties under indentation ofphosphate glasses doped by rare-earth elements. Surf. Eng. Appl. Electrochem, 48 (4), pp. 365–374, 1068-3755.

Citește mai departe:Features of mechanical properties under indentation ofphosphate glasses doped by rare-earth elements

I. Chilibon, J. Marat-Mendes, 2012. Ferroelectric ceramics by sol-gel methods and applications: a review. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 64(3), pp. 571-611, 0928-0707.

Citește mai departe:Ferroelectric ceramics by sol-gel methods and applications: a review

L. Osterloh, C. Bockmann, D.Nicolae, A.Nemuc, 2013. Regularized inversion of microphysical atmospheric particle parameters: Theory and application. J COMPUT PHYS, 237, pp. 79-94, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2012.11.040.

Citește mai departe:Regularized inversion of microphysical atmospheric particle parameters: Theory and application

C. Talianu, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, 2012. Estimation Of Urban Pollution Level During EARLI09 Campaign Using Real Time Aerosol Monitors. J ENVIRON PROT ECOL, 13(4), pp. 2078-2086.

Citește mai departe:Estimation Of Urban Pollution Level During EARLI09 Campaign Using Real Time Aerosol Monitors.

L.Marmureanu, N. A. Geamana, 2012. The Need For Education And Public Awareness Campaign In Natura 2000 Sites. J ENVIRON PROT ECOL, 13(4), pp. 2423-2432.

Citește mai departe:The Need For Education And Public Awareness Campaign In Natura 2000 Sites

M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, M. N. Danila, F. Unga, D. G. Dimitriu, S. Gurlui, 2012. Grímsvötn Volcano: atmospheric volcanic ash cloud investigations, modeling-forecast and experimental environmental approach upon the Romanian area. J OPTOELECTRON ADV M, 14, (5- 6), pp. 517 – 522.

Citește mai departe: Grímsvötn Volcano: atmospheric volcanic ash cloud investigations, modeling-forecast and...

T.Frentiu, A.I.Mihaltan, E.Darvasi, M.Ponta, C.Roman, M.Frentiu, 2012. A novel analytical system with capacitively coupled plasma microtorch and a gold filament microcollector for the determination of total Hg in water by cold vapor atomic emission spectrometry. JAAS , 27(10), pp. 1753-1760, ISSN 0267-9477, DOI: 10.1039/C2JA30156C.

Citește mai departe:A novel analytical system with capacitively coupled plasma microtorch and a gold filament...

C.Tanaselia, M.Miclean, C.Roman, D.Pop, 2012. An assessment of REE composition of Romanian meteoritic material using an ICP-MS method. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 145-149, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe: An assessment of REE composition of Romanian meteoritic material using an ICP-MS method

A. Puscas, M.Inceu, V.Danciu, A.Hosu, C.Cimpoiu, D.Gomoiescu, 2012. Analysis of Some Nutritional Supplements Derived from Sea Buckthorn and Black Currant. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 75-82, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Analysis of Some Nutritional Supplements Derived from Sea Buckthorn and Black Currant

T.Frentiu, M.Ponta, E.Darvasi, M.Frentiu, E.Cordos, 2012. Analytical capability of a medium power capacitively coupled plasma for the multielemental determination in multimineral / multivitamin preparations by atomic emission spectrometry. Food chem., 134(4), pp. 2447-2552, ISSN: 0308-8146.

Citește mai departe:Analytical capability of a medium power capacitively coupled plasma for the multielemental...

M.Senila, E.Levei, L.Senila, 2012. Assessment of metals bioavailability to vegetables under field conditions using DGT, single extractions and multivariate statistics. Chem Cent J , 6(1), pp. 119-129, ISSN: 1752-153X.  doi: 10.1186/1752-153X-6-119.

Citește mai departe:Assessment of metals bioavailability to vegetables under field conditions using DGT, single...

O.Cadar, M.Paul, C.Roman, M.Miclean, C.Majdik, 2012. Biodegradation behaviour of poly(lactic acid) and (lactic acid-ethylene glycol-malonic or succinic acid) copolymers under controlled composting conditions in a laboratory test system. Polymer Degrad Stabil, 97(3), pp. 354-357, ISSN: 0141-3910.

Citește mai departe:Biodegradation behaviour of poly(lactic acid) and (lactic acid-ethylene glycol-malonic or...

A.Gog, M.Roman, M.Tosa, P.Csaba, F.D.Irimie, 2012. Biodiesel Production Using Enzymatic Transesterification- Current State And Perspectives. Renew Energ, 1(39), pp. 10-16, ISSN: 0960-1481.

Citește mai departe: Biodiesel Production Using Enzymatic Transesterification- Current State And Perspectives

I.M.Berar Sur, V.Micle, S.Aveam, M.Senila, V.Oros, 2012. Bioleaching of some heavy metals from polluted soils . Environ Eng Manag J, 11(8), pp. 1389-1393, ISSN 1582-9596.

Citește mai departe:Bioleaching of some heavy metals from polluted soils

E.Levei, M.Miclean, M.Senila, 2012. Comparison of heating techniques used in wet acid digestion for the determination of metals from soil and plants. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 103-109, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Comparison of heating techniques used in wet acid digestion for the determination of metals from...

M.Miclean, O.Cadar, C.Roman, 2012. Determination of phthalates in bottled milk using headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 127-133, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Determination of phthalates in bottled milk using headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction coupled...

L.Senila, A.Gog, M.Senila, C.Roman, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, 2012. Development of a GC-MS method for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural determination in wood after steam-explosion pretreatment. Rev. Chim., 63(2), pp. 227-561, ISSN: 0034-7752.

A.I.Mihaltan, A.Naghiu, C.Tanaselia, T.Frentiu, C.Cimpoiu, 2012. Essential and Toxic Elements in Dietary Supplements Determined by ICP – MS. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 47-56, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Essential and Toxic Elements in Dietary Supplements Determined by ICP – MS

M.Ponta, M.Frentiu, T.Frentiu, 2012. Ionization of elements in medium power capacitivelz coupled argon plasma torch with single and double ring electrodes. Acta Chim. Slov., 59(2), pp. 359-365, ISSN: 1318-0207.

Citește mai departe:Ionization of elements in medium power capacitivelz coupled argon plasma torch with single and...

D.Simedru, A.Naghiu, O.Cadar, 2012. LC/MS/MS method for investigation of five usual pesticides from water. Studia Chemia, 57(1), pp. 135-144, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe: LC/MS/MS method for investigation of five usual pesticides from water

M.Miclean, O.Cadar, C.Tanaselia, A.Gog, M.Senila, I.S.Groza, 2012. Levels of metals and organochlorine compounds in seafood consumed in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Environ Eng Manag J, 11(1), pp. 133-140, ISSN 1582-9596.

M.Senila, E.Levei, L.Senila, G.Oprea, C.Roman, 2012. Mercury in soil and perennial plants in a mining-affected urban area from Northwestern Romania. J Environ Sci Health Environ Sci Eng, 47(4), pp. 614-621, ISSN 1093-4529.

Citește mai departe:Mercury in soil and perennial plants in a mining-affected urban area from Northwestern Romania

K.Baceva, T.Stafilov, R.Sajn, C.Tanaselia, 2012. Moss biomonitoring of air pollution with heavy metals in the vicinity of a ferronickel smelter plant. J Environ Sci Health Environ Sci Eng, 47(4), pp. 645-656, ISSN 1093-4529, doi: 10.1080/10934529.2012.650587.

Citește mai departe:Moss biomonitoring of air pollution with heavy metals in the vicinity of a ferronickel smelter plant

A.Gog, L.Senila, M.Roman, E.Luca, C.Roman, F.D.Irimie, 2012. Oil extraction and fatty acid characterization of Nannochloropsis oculata microalgae for biodiesel applications. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia, 57(1), pp. 111-118, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Oil extraction and fatty acid characterization of Nannochloropsis oculata microalgae for...

M.Senila, E.Levei, L.Senila, O.Cadar, M.Mirela, 2012. Study of relationships between the metals content in native vegetation and soil using multivariate analysis. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Chemia, 57(1), pp. 27-38, ISSN 1224-7154.

Citește mai departe:Study of relationships between the metals content in native vegetation and soil using...

V.Pascalau, V.Popescu, G.L.Popescu, M.C.Dudescu, G.Borodi, A.Dinescu, I.Perhaita, M.Paul, 2012. The alginate /k-Carrageenan ratio `s influnce on the properties of the crosslinked composite films. J Alloy Comp, 536(25), pp. S418-S423, ISSN: 0925-8388.

Citește mai departe:The alginate /k-Carrageenan ratio `s influnce on the properties of the crosslinked composite films

C.Mihali, A.Michnea, G.Oprea, I.Gogoasa, C.Pop, M.Senila, L.Grigor, 2012. Trace element transfer from soil to vegetables around the lead smelter in Baia Mare, NW Romania. J Food Agr Environ, 10(1), pp. 828-834, ISSN 1459-0255.

Citește mai departe:C.Mihali, A.Michnea, G.Oprea, I.Gogoasa, C.Pop, M.Senila, L.Grigor, 2012. Trace element transfer...

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