
M. R. Calin, M. A. Calin, S. Vlase, I. Radulescu, Advanced materials in experimental equipments for absolute measurement of X and gamma-ray exposure rate with free-air and cavity ionization chambers, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater, 14(3-4): 282-286, 2012


Title: Advanced materials in experimental equipments for absolute measurement of X and gamma-ray exposure rate with free-air and cavity ionization chambers 

Abstract: The problem of radiation doses measurements is important both in research and in practical applications whenever one needs to evaluate the effects of irradiation from the energy deposited by radiation into substance. Among the approaches currently available, the ones using free-air ionization chambers and cavity ionization chambers (developed by the SALMROM laboratory, at IFIN-HH) are the most viable as they constitute primary (reference) standards that are used in national laboratories for the metrology of ionizing radiation. Both types of chamber rely on the electronic balance principle and Bragg-Gray relation. They are basic detectors for measuring exposure rates and/or absorbed dose rates in various materials, including air. The experimental data provided by both chamber types are in agreement with market requirements and international data. Both are used as primary standards in national metrological laboratories. By using these two measuring procedures for gamma, X and beta radiation, one can determine various quantities such as exposure, exposure rate, dose, dose rate, activity, etc. Depending on intended use, radiation field, ambient conditions, kind of radiation, etc., the parameters of both chambers can be improved by varying the types of gas or gas mixture that are introduced in the sensitive volume.

Keywords: detectors, ionization chamber, free–air, cavity, radiation detectors, ionizing radiation

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