
The number of applied patents (implemented by end-users) present a trend in correlated with the number of finalized projects with industrial partners in Innovation programme or other EU funded projects.



Materiale din straturi subtiri pe baza de InxAlyN1-x-y, depuse pe suport flexibil, pentru aplicatii in optoelectronica

M. Braic, C.N. Zoita, V. Braic


Dispozitiv optoelectronic si procedeu pentru masurarea si analiza calitativa a suprafetelor interioare ale obiectelor de arta si arheologice cu tehnica LIF

R. Radvan, D.V. Ene, L. C. Ratoiu, L.M. Angheluta


Agent fotosensibilizator, metoda de activare a acestuia si utilizarea agentului pentru combaterea contaminarii bacteriene

M.A. Calin, R. Savastru, S.V. Parasca, R.M. Ion


Electro-optical device attenuation of laser radiation ophthalmic surgical microscope

D. Savastru, S. Miclos, A. Popescu, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu, L. Baschir


Non-invasive method and device for determining fluency saturation and absorption cross section of a passive optical switch

S. Miclos, I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, A. Popescu


Non-invasive method and device for measuring the thermal diffusion coefficient

A. Popescu, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu, L. Baschir


Procedeu de denocivizare a apelor cu continut de substante organice medicamentoase hormonale si xenoestrogene

V. Miclaus, A. Ghirisan, C. Cimpoiu, C. Roman, M. Chintoanu, L. Ferenczi, M. Miclean, A. Ozunu


Procedeu de obtinere a unui combustibil pentru motoare de tip Diesel

C.Varaticeanu, B. Abraha, M. Chintoanu, A. Mathe, A. Gog


Pompa hidraulica proportionala răsturnabila

N. Ionita, G. Radulescu, I. C. Dumitrescu


Divizor – sumator de debite hidraulice

N. Ionita


Pompa hidraulica cu aspiratie fortata

N. Ionita


Stand de testare comparativa la anduranta a pompelor hidrostatice rotative

N. Ionita, I.C.Dumitrescu, L. Dumitrescu


Unitate hidraulica proportionala

N. Ionita, G. Radulescu, I.C.Dumitrescu, D. Rotaru


Foarfeca hidraulica cu amplificator intern de presiune

N. Ionita, G.Radulescu


Sistem mobil si procedeu de cartare a unor obiective situate la distante mari de caile de acces rutiere, (mobile system and process for mapping objects located at a large distance from roads); Acordat 2011; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 10/2012

S. Axente, D. Savastru, N.M. Tautan, S. Miclos, D. Tenciu


Metoda si echipament pentru testarea in regim dinamicX a profilurilor longitudinale ale arterelor rutiere, (method and equipment for dynamically testing vertical alignments of highways ); Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 10/2012

S. Axente, D. Savastru, N.M. Tautan, L.D. Vilceanu, C.K. Banica


Microscop cu laser pentru curatarea obiectelor de arta 2D, (laser microscope for cleaning 2D art objects); Acordat 2010; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 2/2012

D. Savastru, R. Savastru, R. Radvan, C. Deciu


Material sensibil la gaz metan si senzor X de prag pentru detectia metanului, (methan-sensitive material and threshold sensor for methan detection); Acordat 2009; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 6/2012

M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, F. Sava, A. Tomescu, C. Simion, N.I. Mihailescu, G. Socol, E. Axente, S. Miclos, D. Savastru


Procedeu de obtinere a unui combustibil pentru motoare cu aprindere interna; Acordat 2009; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 2/2012.

L.Senila, M. Chintoanu, A.Gog, M.Roman, G.Pitl, C.Roman


Echipament pentru depoluarea aerului din spatiile deschise ale aglomeratiilor urbane cu trafic auto intens; Acordat 2008; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 1/2012.

Lepadatu, A. Ciocanea, G. Radulescu


Dispozitiv tribologic pentru cilindri pneumatici; Acordat 2007; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 3/2012.

N. Ionita, G. Radulescu, C. Dumitrescu


Masina hidraulica rotativa; Acordat 2007; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 4/2012.

N.Ionita, C.Dumitrescu, D.Rotaru


Transformator hidraulic rotativ; Acordat 2007; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 4/2012.

N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu, L. Dumitrescu


Butelie vibratoare cu actionare hidraulica, pentru betoane; Acordat 2008;Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 8/2012.

N. Ionita


Dispozitiv de orientare automata a unui captator de energie solara; Acordat 2010; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 8/2012.

N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu


Turbina eoliana; Acordat 2010; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 8/2012.

N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu


Dispozitiv pentru probarea etansarilor pistoanelor cilindrilor hidraulici; Acordat 2010; Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industriala BOPI nr. 10/2012.

Şt. Alexandrescu, S. Anghel, Gh. Şovaiala


Optoelectronic device/mounting and process for the stratigraphical analysis of the chemical composition of art objects surface layers material by LIBS technique 

J. Striber, L. Angheluta, R.Radvan, M. Simileanu, R.Savastru


Intelligent network for monitoring microclimate and pollutants concentrations with application in identifying and controlling the effect  thereof on the artistic components in historical buildings, museums and art galleries

A.  Moldovan, S. Ersen, I. Dane, R. Radvan, C. Deciu


Laser microscope for cleaning two dimensional art objects which performs the function of a microscope for survey and measurement and is a precise operating instrument for cleaning two-dimensional art objects by means of a laser radiation

R. Radvan, R. Savastru, G.C.  Deciu, D. Savastru

Decision no. 6/101/28.10.2011        

Optoelectronic device and process for the qualitative analysis of art objects surfaces by LIF technique

 J.Striber, L. Angheluta , R. Radvan, R. Savastru

Decision no. 6/30/ 30.05.2011         

Process for laser cleaning of stone surfaces in the restoration process

R. Savastru, R. Radvan, J. Striber


Rotary hydraulic equipment                                                                                                           

N. Ionita


Mobile laboratory for the investigation, diagnosis, monitoring and restoration of patrimonial object

J. Striber, L. Angheluta, R. Radvan, C. Deciu, M. Simileanu, D. Ene, R. Savastru


Automation installation and monitoring for dripping irrigation

C. Nicolescu, G. Popescu, M. Blejan, G. Gasca, I. Biolan


Thin film biocompatible coatings for NiTi and NiTiNb type shape memory alloys

V. Braic, M. Braic, M. Balaceanu, C.N. Zoita, A.E. Kiss, A. Vladescu


Device generating an ultrasound field in the liquids in vessels with narrow apertures

I. Chilibon, D. Savastru, V. Savu


Optical device for fixing the object plane

D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu


Optoelectronic device for laser energy attenuation in an ophthalmic laser biomicroscope

D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M.I. Rusu, V. Savu


Material made of two thin reflective layers for the electromagnetic radiations with a wavelength ranging from 10 to 20 nm

M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu


Hydraulic installation for recovering braking energy

P. Drumea, N.  Ionita,  I. Lepadatu, C. Cristescu, C. Dumitrescu


Process and device for production of chalcogenide microlenses

M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Mustata, R. Savastru Roxana


Hydraulic cylinder for pressing

N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu, L. Dumitrescu


Forklift for handling of small and compact loads

G.  Radulescu, N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu,  L. Dumitrescu, R.I. Radoi


Hydraulic gear box

P. Drumea, N. Ionita,  C.Dumitrescu, R.I. Radoi


Device for measuring speeds and the couple

P. Drumea, N. Ionita,  M. Comes, M. Blejan,  I. Dutu


Device for connecting a tube to a trough collector roof

C. Nicolescu, T.C. Popescu, Ş. Alexandrescu, F. Andrei


Mobile equipment for the automatic video prelevation of the artery road surface

R. Savastru, D. Savastru, A. Stoica, M. Tautan, D. Petcu


Multilayer material for covering rotors for turbomotors where made of four various thin layers, with specific total thickness

V. Braic, M. Braic, C.  Puscasu, A.  Vladescu, L.  Adam


Electro pneumatic device for infusion

P. Drumea, N. Ionita, M. Comes, M. Blejan, I. Dutu


Hydraulic distributor with electrically drive, cartridge type

N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu


Pneumatic valves with electro-hydraulically command

P. Drumea, N. Ionita,  L. Dumitrescu, M. Blejan


Electro pneumatic jack

P. Drumea, N.Ionita,  I.Ilie, M. Comes, R. I. Radoi


Photoselective layered polymetric foil for covering solariums and tunnels

C.G. Opran, E. Grosu, E. Ristici, M. Iliescu, E. Nemes, I.S. Dontu, P. Spanu, T. Petrescu, R. Ciofu 


Electromagnetic pump with two chambers

P. Drumea, N. Ionita,  M. Comes,  A.  Mirea


Electro-hydraulic remote controlled barrier

P.Drumea, N. Ionita, A. Iliescu, I. Ilie


Flow divider with electromagnetic command

P.Drumea, N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu, D. Rotaru, L. Dumitrescu


Sealed device under pressure of  metal pipes

T.C. Popescu,  D. Marin,  P. Drumea, Ş. Alexandrescu


Suction device

T.C. Popescu, Sava Anghel,   A.Feodorov, N. Mihai


Hydraulic transformer

P. Drumea, N. Ionita, C. Dumitrescu


Flow meter for furrow

C. Nicolescu, P. Drumea, G. Şovaiala


Hydraulic remote controlled pillar

P.Drumea, N. Ionita,  M. Comes, A. Mirea, C. Dumitrescu, I.Oprea


Multilayer covering material contains titanium nitrides, carbides and carbonitrides

M. Balaceanu, V. Braic, M. Braic, A. Vladescu


Gasket for pipes

C. Nicolescu, Anghel Sava


Substrate holder for thin film deposition by magnetron sputtering in magnetic field

M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu


Elevator with the increased safety  in functionality for persons with locomotory disabilities

P. Drumea, N. Ionita, I. Lepadatu, C.  Cristescu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Oprea


Method and mobile equipment for testing of the transversal road profiles

A.Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu


Automatic installation for forecasting and warning of the waterings

C. Nicolescu, M. Blejan, C. Popescu


Multilayer biocompatible coating for medical implants

M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, A. Vladescu


Proportional hydraulic valves, normally open, with high flow

P. Drumea, N. Ionita, M. Comes, I. Lepadatu, C. Dumitrescu


Method and mobile equipment for testing of the longitudinal road profiles

A. Stoica, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, M.I. Rusu


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