
N.C Zoita, C.E.A Grigorescu, 2012. Influence of growth temperature and deposition duration on the structure, surface morphology and optical properties of InN/YSZ (100). Applied Surface Science, 258 (16), pp. 6046-6051, ISSN 0169-4332.

 Title: Influence of growth temperature and deposition duration on the structure, surface morphology and optical properties of InN/YSZ(100


InN films with the wurtzite structure have been grown directly on YSZ (1 0 0) substrate by the RF-magnetron sputtering technique. Strongly (0 0 2) oriented films with smooth surfaces (0.7–2.9 nm surface roughness depending on substrate temperature), were grown within 30 min. Films deposited for 60 min developed three-dimensional (3D) pyramidal islands on top of their surfaces, which diminished the residual elastic strain. The optical absorption edge and PL peak energy around 1.7 eV were found to redshift with increasing film thickness and substrate temperature.


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