
M. M. Cazacu, A. Timofte, C. Talianu, D. Nicolae, M. N. Danila, F. Unga, D. G. Dimitriu, S. Gurlui, 2012. Grímsvötn Volcano: atmospheric volcanic ash cloud investigations, modeling-forecast and experimental environmental approach upon the Romanian area. J OPTOELECTRON ADV M, 14, (5- 6), pp. 517 – 522.

 Title:  Grímsvötn Volcano: atmospheric volcanic ash cloud investigations, modeling-forecast and experimental environmental approach upon the Romanian area


The volcanic ash (from Grimsvotn volcano, South - Eastern Iceland) cloud dispersion over Iasi county (North-Eastern Romania) and its vertical distribution have been analyzed during the 21st and 28th of May 2011. Because of numerous air pollutants with variable concentrations, size and chemical compositions depending not only on space and time but also on meteorological data, satellite data and forecasting models must be taken into account. The monitoring of the air pollutants is performed using the new 3D Atmospheric Observatory of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, part of national LIDAR system network implemented within ROLINET (ROmanian LIdar NETwork) and RADO (Romanian Atmospheric 3D Observatory) projects.

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