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- Accesări: 6268
A. Nemuc, J. Vasilescu, C. Talianu, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, Assessment of aerosol's mass concentrations from measured linear particle depolarization ratio (vertically resolved) and simulations, ATMOS MEAS TECH, vol. 6, pp. 3243-3255, 10.5194/amt-6-3243-2013, 2013
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- Accesări: 6181
A. Nemuc, J. Vasilescu, C. Talianu, L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, Assessment of aerosol's mass concentrations from measured linear particle depolarization ratio (vertically resolved) and simulations, ATMOS MEAS TECH, vol. 6, pp. 3243-3255, 10.5194/amt-6-3243-2013, 2013
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- Accesări: 5962
L. Senila, M. Roman, M. Miclean, E. Levei, M. Senila , Green methods for production of bioethanol from waste wood by autohydrolysis and fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, CURR OPIN BIOTECH, vol. 24, pp. 138-138, DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio. 2013.05.446, 2013
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- Accesări: 6332
G. Stetca, N. Mocuta, M. Chintoanu, M. Miclean, Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in food, detected by PCR, CURR OPIN BIOTECH, vol. 24, pp. 89-90, Doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2013.05.226, 2013
Citește mai departe:Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in food, detected by PCR
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- Accesări: 6487
G. Pappalardo, D. Nicolae, L. Mona et al., Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET, ATMOS CHEM PHYS, vol. 13, pp. 4429-4450, 10.5194/acp-13-4429-2013, 2013
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- Accesări: 6527
M. Zalkovskij, A. Strikwerda, K. Iwaszczuk, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, R. Malureanu, A.V. Lavrinenko, P. Uhd Jepsen, Terahertz induced Kerr effect in amorphous chalcogenide glasses, APPL PHYS LETT, vol. 103, no. 221102, pp. 1-4, Doi:10.1063/ 1.4832825, 2013
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- Accesări: 6185
C. Vitelaru, D. Lundin, N. Brenning, T. Minea, Plasma reactivity in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering through oxygen kinetics, APPL PHYS LETT, vol. 103, pp. 104105-104109, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4819835, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5873
F. Talos, M. Senila, T. Frentiu, S. Simon, Effect of titanium ions on the ion release rate and uptake at the interface of silica based xerogels with simulated body fluid, CORROS SCI, vol. 72, pp. 41-46, DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2013.03.003, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5863
D. Savastru, S. Dontu, R. Savastru, A.R. Sterian, Classic (non-quantic)-Algorithm for observations and measurements based on statistical strategies of optical field, ADV HIGH ENERGY PHYS, vol. 2013, no. 2013, pp. 1-11, 1687-7357, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6120
A. Mihaltan, T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, D. Petreus, M. Frentiu, E. Darvasi, C. Marutoiu, Arsenic and antimony determination in no- and biodegradable materials by hydride generation capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry, TALANTA, vol. 15, no. 109, pp. 84-90, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.01.056, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5797
A. Zsigmond, T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, M. Frentiu, D. Petreus, Simple and robust method for lithium determination in drinking water by atomic emission using low-power capacitively coupled plasma microtorch and microspectrometer, FOOD CHEM, vol. 140, pp. 3621-3626, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.021, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5980
D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, D. Müller, C. Talianu, J. Vasilescu, L. Belegante, A. Kolgotin, Characterization of fresh and aged biomass burning events using multiwavelength Raman lidar and mass spectrometry, J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, vol. 118, no. 7, pp. 2956-2965, 10.1002/jgrd.50324, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6452
M.A. Calin, S.V. Parasca, D. Savastru, D. Manea, Hyperspectral imaging in medical field: present and future. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 49:6, 435-447, 2014; DOI: 10.1080/05704928.2013.838678
Citește mai departe:Hyperspectral imaging in medical field: present and future
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6177
M.A. Calin, S.V. Parasca, R. Savastru, M.R. Calin, S. Dontu, Optical techniques for the non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, DOI: 10.1007/s00432-013-1423-3, 2013
Citește mai departe:Optical techniques for the non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5794
O. Moldovan, I.N. Meleg, E. Levei, M. Terente, A simple method for assessing biotic indicators and predicting biodiversity in the hyporheic zone of a river polluted with metals, ECOL INDIC , vol. 24, pp. 412-420, 10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.07.019, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5086
T. Frentiu, A. Mihaltan, M. Senila, E. Darvasi, M. Ponta, M. Frentiu, B.P. Pitican, New method for mercury determination in microwave digested soil samples based on cold vapor capacitively coupled plasma microtorch optical emission spectrometry: Comparison with atomic fluorescence spectrometry, MICROCHEM J, vol. 110, pp. 545-552, Doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2013.06.009, 2013
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- Accesări: 5944
K. Baceva, T. Stafilov, R. Sajn, C. Tanaselia, Air dispersion of heavy metals in the vicinity of the As-Sb-Tl abounded mine and responsiveness of moss as a biomonitoring media in small-scale investigations, ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R , vol. 20, pp. 8763-8779, DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1845-0, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6341
N. Brenning, D. Lundin, T. Minea, C. Costin, C. Vitelaru, Spokes and charged particle transport in HiPIMS magnetrons, 2013 J PHYS D APPL PHYS, vol. 46, pp. 84005-84015, doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/8/084005
Citește mai departe:Spokes and charged particle transport in HiPIMS magnetrons
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6054
D. Lundin, C. Vitelaru, L. Poucques, N. Brenning, T. Minea, Ti–Ar scattering cross sections by direct comparison of Monte Carlo simulations and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in magnetron discharges, J PHYS D APPL PHYS, vol. 46, pp. 175201-175213, doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/17/175201, 2013
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- Accesări: 6279
M.A. Calin, M.R. Calin, E. Petrescu, M. Neagu, Increased number of fractionated irradiation sessions does not improve the cellular response to methyl aminolevulinate-mediated photodynamic therapy. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 10(4):526-34. 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2013.04.006
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- Accesări: 6465
L. Osterloh, C. Böckmann, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, Regularized inversion of microphysical atmospheric particle parameters: Theory and application, J COMPUT PHYS, vol. 237, pp. 79-94, 10.1016/j.jcp.2012.11.040, 2013
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- Accesări: 6225
M. Braic, M. Balaceanu, A. Vladescu, C.N. Zoita, V. Braic, Deposition and characterization of multi-principal-element (CuSiTiYZr)C coatings, APPL SURF SCI, vol. 284, no. 1, pp. 671-678, doi.10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.07.152, 2013
Citește mai departe:Deposition and characterization of multi-principal-element (CuSiTiYZr)C coatings
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- Accesări: 6470
M. I. Rusu, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, D. Tenciu, C. R. Iordanescu, I. D. Feraru, C. N. Zoita, R. Notonier, A. Tonetto, C. Chassigneux, O. Monnereau, L. Tortet, C. E. A. Grigorescu, Pulsed laser deposition of (Co, Fe)-doped ZnSnSb and MnGeSb thin films on silicon, APPL SURF SCI, vol. 284, pp. 950-955, 0169-4332, 2013
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- Accesări: 6540
A. Vladescu, V. Braic, M. Braic, M. Balaceanu, Arc plasma deposition of TiSiN/Ni nanoscale multilayered coatings, MATER CHEM PHYS, vol. 138, no. 2, pp. 500-506, doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.12.010, 2013
Citește mai departe:Arc plasma deposition of TiSiN/Ni nanoscale multilayered coatings
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6294
C. Nico, M.P. Graça, M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, R. C. Monteiro, L. Rino, T. Monteiro, Effects of ultraviolet excitation on the spectroscopic properties of Sm3+ and Tb3+ doped aluminophosphate glasses, OPT MATER, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2382-2388, 0925-3467, 2013
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- Accesări: 6334
B. A. Sava, M. Elisa, L. Boroica, R. C. Monteiro, Preparation method and thermal properties of samarium and europium-doped phosphate glasses, MATER SCI ENG B-ADV, no. 178, pp. 1429-1435, 0921-5107, 2013
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- Accesări: 6132
J. Bridgeman, A. Baker, C. Carliell-Marquet, E.M. Carstea, Determination of changes in wastewater quality through a treatment works using fluorescence spectroscopy, ENVIRON TECHNOL, vol. 34, no. 23, pp. 3069-3077, doi: 10.1080/09593330.2013.803131, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6589
C.M Cotrut, V. Braic, I. Titorencu, M. Braic, A.C. Parau, Corrosion resistance, mechanical properties and biocompatibility of Hf-containing ZrCN coatings, THIN SOLID FILMS, vol. 538, no. 1, pp. 48-55, doi: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2012.12.100,, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6208
M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, I. C. Vasiliu, R. C. Monteiro, J. P. Veiga, L. Ghervase, I. D. Feraru, C. R. Iordanescu, Optical and structural characterization of samarium and europium-doped phosphate glasses, J NON-CRYST SOLIDS, no. 369, pp. 55-60, 0022-3093, 2013
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- Accesări: 6111
E. Levei, M. Roman, M. Miclean, G. Borodi, M. Senila, Acid mine drainage prediction for tailings in the Baia Mare and Southern Apuseni mining areas, Romania, CARPATH J EARTH ENV , vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 167-174, ISSN Printed: 1842 - 4090, 2013
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- Accesări: 6446
C. Mihali, G. Oprea, A. Mihnea, S.G. Jelea, M. Jelea, C. Man, M. Senila, L. Grigor, Assessment of heavy metals content and pollution level in soil and plants in Baia Mare area, NW Romania, CARPATH J EARTH ENV , vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 143-152, ISSN Printed: 1842 - 4090, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6126
M. Miclean, E. Levei, O. Cadar, M. Senila, I.S. Groza, Comparison of two empirical models for soil to ryegrass transfer of metals in Baia Mare mining area, CARPATH J EARTH ENV , vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 93-100, ISSN Printed: 1842 - 4090, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6454
M. Senila, C. Tanaselia, E. Rimba, Investigations on arsenic mobility changes in rizosphere of two ferns species using DGT technique, CARPATH J EARTH ENV , vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 145-154, ISSN Printed: 1842 - 4090, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6184
A.I. Popa, R. Mihaiescu, T. Mihaiescu, M.G. Oprea, C.T anaselia, Al.Ozunu, Physico-chemical properties of some glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians, CARPATH J EARTH ENV , vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 5-11, ISSN Printed: 1842 - 4090, 2013
Citește mai departe: Physico-chemical properties of some glacial lakes in the Romanian Carpathians
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5850
M. Zoran, M.R. Dida, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, A. Dida, O. Ionescu, Ground level ozone (O3) associated with radon (222Rn) and particulate matter (PM) concentrations and adverse health effects, J RADIOANAL NUCL CH, ISSN: 0236-5731; ISSN: 1588-2780 , 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6315
G. Turcu, I. Popescu, L. Ghervase, C. Giurcaneanu, A.M. Forsea, Risk factors Preventive behaviors and awareness of Romanian skin cancer patients, J DTSCH DERMATOL GES, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 102-103, 1610-0379, 2013
Citește mai departe:Risk factors Preventive behaviors and awareness of Romanian skin cancer patients
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5929
E. Levei, T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, C. Tanaselia, G. Borodi, Characterization and assessment of potential environmental risk of tailings stored in seven impoundments in the Aries river basin, Western Romania, CHEM CENT J , vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1-14, doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-5, 2013
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- Accesări: 5845
T. Frentiu, B.P. Pitican, S. Butaciu, A.I. Mihaltan, M. Ponta, M. Frentiu, Determination, speciation and distribution of mercury in soil in the surroundings of a former chlor-alkali plant: assessment of sequential extraction procedure and analytical techinque, CHEM CENT J , vol. 7, no. 178, pp. 1-14, doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-178, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5633
M. Popescu, A. Velea, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, Optics of microlenses created by irradiation of As2S3amorphous chalcogenide films with femtosecond laser pulses PHIL MAGT.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5394
Frentiu, B.P. Pitican, S. Butaciu, A.I. Mihaltan, M. Ponta, M. Frentiu, Determination, speciation and distribution of mercury in soil in the surroundings of a former chlor-alkali plant: assessment of sequential extraction procedure and analytical techinque, CHEM CENT J , vol. 7, no. 178, pp. 1-14, doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-178, 2013 LETT, vol. 93, no. 4, pp. 213-220, doi:10.1080/09500839.2012.760058, 2013
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- Accesări: 6139
E.M. Carstea, R. Savastru, C.I. Ioja, A. Gavrilidis, Spatial characterization of urban lakes using optical methods, ROM REP PHYS, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1092-1104, 1221-1451, 2013
Citește mai departe:Spatial characterization of urban lakes using optical methods
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6063
G. Pavelescu, L. Ghervase, C. Ioja, S. Dontu, R. Spiridon Spectral fingerprints of groundwater organic matter in rural areas, ROM REP PHYS, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1105-1113, 1221-1451, 2013
Citește mai departe:. Spiridon Spectral fingerprints of groundwater organic matter in rural areas
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- Accesări: 6069
G. Vasile, R. Savastru, A. Popescu, M. Stafe, D. Savastru, S. Dontu, L. Baschir, V. Sava, B. Chiricuta, M. Mihailescu, C. Negutu, N. Puscas, Modelling the 2D plasmonic structures with active chalcogenide glass layers, ROM REP PHYS, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1012-1018, 1221-1451, 2013
Citește mai departe: Modelling the 2D plasmonic structures with active chalcogenide glass layers
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- Accesări: 5982
A. Surmeian, A. Groza, C. Diplasu, C. Atanasiu, A. Popescu, D. Savastru, M. Ganciu, The gas temperature determination in the pulsed hollow cathode discharge, ROM REP PHYS, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 869-877, 1221-1451, 2013
Citește mai departe:The gas temperature determination in the pulsed hollow cathode discharge
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6148
M. Gothard, A. Nemuc, C. Radu, S. Dascalu, An intensive case of Saharan dust outbreak over Romania, ROM REP PHYS, 2013
Citește mai departe:An intensive case of Saharan dust outbreak over Romania
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6266
L. Marmureanu, L. Deaconu, J. Vasilescu, N. Ajtai, C. Talianu, Combined optoelectronic methods used in the monitoring of SO2 emissions and imissions, ENVIRON ENG MANAG J, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 277-282, ISSN 1582-9596, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6314
S. Stefan, C. Radu, L. Belegante, Analysis of air quality in two sites with different local conditions, ENVIRON ENG MANAG J, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 371-379, ISSN 1582-9596, 2013
Citește mai departe:Analysis of air quality in two sites with different local conditions
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6210
D. Malschi, C. Roman, M. Miclean, M. Senila, L. Senila, B.F. Malschi, A. Bolonyi, G. Ghira, D. Brahaita, A. Crihan, Phytoextraction of heavy metals from industrially polluted zone using Lolium perenne and Lemna minor, ENVIRON ENG MANAG J, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1103-1108, ISSN 1582-9596, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5902
L. Baschir, S. Antohe, A. Radu, R. Constantineanu, S. Iftimia, I.D. Simandan, M. Popescu, Effect of CNTS and Metal-Phthalocynines adding on the photo-electrical behavior of the photovoltaic structures based on polymeric blends, DIG J NANOMATER BIOS, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1645-1651, 1842-3582, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5966
M. Sohaciu, C. Predescu, E. Vasile, E. Matei, D. Savastru, A. Berbecaru, Influence of MnS inclusions in steel parts on fatigue resistence, DIG J NANOMATER BIOS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 367-376, 1842-3582, 2013
Citește mai departe:Influence of MnS inclusions in steel parts on fatigue resistence
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6093
C. R. Iordanescu, I. C. Vasiliu, M. Elisa, I. D. Feraru, Structural and optical investigations on CdSe-doped SiO2-P2O5 sol-gel films, PHYS SCRIPTA, no. 157, pp. 14015-14020, 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T157/014015, 2013
Citește mai departe:Structural and optical investigations on CdSe-doped SiO2-P2O5 sol-gel films
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6075
I. D. Feraru, C. R. Iordanescu, M. Elisa, I. C. Vasiliu, A. Volceanov, S. Stoleriu, A. Peretz, M. Filipescu, CdSe -doped phosphate glassy films obtained by PLD on silicon substrate, CHALCOGENIDE LETT, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 509-517, 1584-8663, 2013
Citește mai departe:CdSe -doped phosphate glassy films obtained by PLD on silicon substrate
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5709
A. Vladescu, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, M. Braic, A.C. Parau, S. Ivanescu, C. Fanara, Characterization of the Ti–10Nb –10Zr–5Ta alloy for biomedical applications. Part 1: microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, J MATER ENG PERFORM, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 2389-2397, doi: 10.1007/ s11665-013-0517-z , 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5532
V.Braic, M.Balaceanu, M.Braic, C.Vitelaru, I.Titorencu, V.Pruna, A.C.Parau, C.Fanara, A.Vladescu, Characterization of the Ti–10Nb –10Zr–5Ta alloy for biomedical applications. Part 2: wettability, tribological performance and biocompatibility, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., vol. 23, pp. 326-332, doi: 10.1007/s11665-013-0738-1, 2014.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5754
E. Levei, M. Ponta, M, Senila, M. Miclean, T. Frentiu, Assessment of contamination and origin of metals in mining affected river sediments: a case study of the Aries catchment, Romania J SERB CHEM SOC, vol. 78, pp. 1-32, doi: 10.2298/JSC130501086L, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5865
L. Belegante, D. Nicolae, A. Nemuc, C. Talianu, C. Derognat, Retrieval of the boundary layer height from active and passive remote sensors. Comparison with a NWP mode, ACTA GEOPHYS, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 276-289, 10.2478/s11600-013-0167-4, 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5958
A. Emandi, I. C. Vasiliu, M. Marinescu, Solvatochromic properties of azo pyrazolone ligands in coordinative compounds with erbium, NANOSCI NANOTECHNOL LETT, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 487-492, 1941-4900 , 2013
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6133
M. Ciobanu, A. Ardelean, C. Cotoraci, L. Mos, M. Orodan, G. Osser, G. Pribac, Predictability estimates of neuronal activity, J COMPUT THEOR NANOS, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2583-2585, doi:10.1166/jctn.2013.325, 2013
Citește mai departe:Predictability estimates of neuronal activity
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5881
M. Ciobanu, A. Ardelean, C. Cotoraci, L. Mos, Maximum Lyapunov exponents evidencing chaos in neural activity, COMPUT THEOR NANOS, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2600-2603, doi:10.1166/ jctn.2013.3251, 2013
Citește mai departe:Maximum Lyapunov exponents evidencing chaos in neural activity
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6076
M. Tautan, M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, D. Savastru, S. Dontu, Band gaps of a triangular lattice of air holes in dielectric medium, J COMPUT THEOR NANOS, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1972-1974, doi:10.1166/jctn. 2013.3157, 2013
Citește mai departe: Band gaps of a triangular lattice of air holes in dielectric medium
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5805
L. Preda, M. Ciobanu, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, Finding the band gaps of an interesting honey - comb like 2.5 D structure, J COMPUT THEOR NANOS, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 845-847, doi:10.1166/j ctn.2013.2779 , 2013
Citește mai departe:Finding the band gaps of an interesting honey - comb like 2.5 D structure
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