
A. Popescu, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, R. Savastru, M. Ciobanu, M. Popescu, A. Lőrinczi, F. Sava, A. Velea, F. Jipa, M. Zamfirescu, Direct laser writing of two-dimensional photonic structures in amorphous As2S3 thin films, J. Optoelectronic. Adv. Mater.¸ 11/11 (2009) 1874 – 1880


Title: Direct laser writing of two-dimensional photonic structures in amorphous As2S3 thin films

Abstract: A method for building photonic structures in As(2)S(3) amorphous chalcogenide films has been developed. 2-D photonic configurations characterized by a regular assembly of rods (triangular lattice) or gratings with traces of micrometer period have been obtained. A femto-second laser has been used in photonic crystal registration. The simulation performed on these photonic configuration shows that the obtained chalcogenide structures could be efficient for operation in the infrared range around several micrometers wavelength.

Key words: Photonic crystal; Chalcogenide glass; As(2)S(3); Thin film

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