- Detalii
- Accesări: 6288
V. Soare, M. Burada, D. Mitrica, V. Badilita, F. Stoiciu, C. P. Lungu , V. Ghenescu, M. I. Rusu, S. Antohe, Electrodeposition and characterization of CuInSe2/CdS multilayered thin films deposited on flexible substrate, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2018- 2021.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6758
V. I. R. Niculescu, S. Micloş, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, L. Şandru, Magnetic field Wiggy-Chain undulator, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2154 – 2156.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 7014
V. Braic, C. N. Zoita, M. Balaceanu, A. Kiss, A. Vladescu, A. Popescu, M. Braic, TiAlN/TiAlZrN multilayered hard coatings for enhanced performance of HSS drilling tools, Surf. Coat. Technol., 204 (2010) 1925-1928.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6594
V. Braic, A. Kiss, I. Ioachim, M. Toacsan, L. Nedelcu, M. Braic, Barium magnesium tantalate thin films deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering from a stoichiometric target, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/12 (2010) 2380-2385.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6065
T. Frenţiu, M. Ponta, A. I. Mihălţan, E. Darvaşi, M. Frenţiu, E. Cordoş, Quenching of the OH and nitrogen molecular emission by methane addition in an Ar capacitively coupled plasma to remove spectral interference in lead, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 65 (2010) 565 - 570.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5850
T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, M. Senila, A. I. Mihaltan. E. Darvasi, M. Frentiu, E. Cordos, Evaluation of figures of merit for Zn determination in environmental and biological samples using EDL excited AFS in a new radiofrequency capacitively coupled plasma, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 25 (2010) 739 - 742.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 5945
T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, E. Darvasi, M. Frentiu, E. Cordos, Discharge characteristics and non-spectral interferences on the emission of Ca species in a medium power radiofrequency capacitively coupled plasma source, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 57/1 (2010) 173-181.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6430
S. Miclos, D. Savastru, I. Lancranjan, Numerical simulation of a fiber laser bending sensitivity, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/3 (2010) 519 – 527.
Citește mai departe:Numerical simulation of a fiber laser bending sensitivity
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6504
D. Nicolae, J. Vasilescu, E.Carstea, K. Stebel, F. Prata, Romanian Atmospheric research 3D Observatory: Synergy of instruments, Romanian Reports in Physics 62/4 (2010) 838-853.
Citește mai departe:Romanian Atmospheric research 3D Observatory: Synergy of instruments
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6575
R. Patrascu, G. Darie, A. Volceanov, B. A. Sava, M. Elisa, Adina Stanculea, Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry, Rom. J. Mat., 40/2 (2010) 153-160.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6601
O. Monnereau, L. Tortet, C. E. A Grigorescu, D. Savastru, CR Iordanescu, F. Guinneton, R. Notonier, A. Tonetto, T. Zhang, I. N. Mihailescu, D. Stanoi, H. J Trodahl, Chromium oxides mixtures in PLD films investigated by Raman spectroscopy, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/8 (2010) 1752 – 1757.
Citește mai departe: Chromium oxides mixtures in PLD films investigated by Raman spectroscopy
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6898
O. Cadar, C. Roman, L. Gagea, S. Cadar, M. Miclean, M/ZnO nanopowders: Synthesis and characterization, Romanian Journal of Materials, 40/3 (2010) 250-257.
Citește mai departe:M/ZnO nanopowders: Synthesis and characterization
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6705
N. Puscas, S. Dontu, D. Dinu, Modelling of output statistics of Er3+: Ti:LliNbO3 waveguide amplifiers, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/3 (2010) 506-518.
Citește mai departe:Modelling of output statistics of Er3+: Ti:LliNbO3 waveguide amplifiers
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6495
M. Zoran, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, S. Miclos, D. C. Dumitras, T. Julea, Optospectral techniques for mining waste characterization in Baia Mare region, Romania, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/1 (2010) 159 – 164.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6372
M. Simileanu, R. Radvan, N. Puscas, Underwater LIBS investigations setup for metals’ identification, U. P. B. Sci. Bull. , Series A, 72/4 (2010) 209-216.
Citește mai departe:Underwater LIBS investigations setup for metals’ identification
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6596
M. R. Calin, M. A. Calin, Evaluation of the Radon concentration in Ocna Dej salt mine, Romania, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 286 (2010) 169-173.
Citește mai departe:Evaluation of the Radon concentration in Ocna Dej salt mine
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6671
M. Popescu, A. Velea, A. Lőrinczi, M. Zamfirescu, F. Jipa, S. Miclos, M. Ciobanu, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, Two dimensional photonic structures based on As-S chalcogenide glass, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5/4 (2010) 1101-1105.
Citește mai departe:Two dimensional photonic structures based on As-S chalcogenide glass
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6540
M. Miclean, L. Senila, C. Roman, A. Gog, E. Levei, I. Groza, Comparison of DI-SPME-GC-MS and SPE-GC-MS with derivatization for analysis of steroid hormones in river water, Revista de Chimie, 61/6 (2010) 615-618.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6757
M. Miclean, E. Levei, A. Gog, L. Ferenczi, C Majdik, C. Puia, C. Roman, Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated soil by FTIR and GC-FID methods, Studia Universitatis Babes-Boyai CHEMIA, 3 (2010) 83-91.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6334
M. Giurginca, L. Miu, M. Simileanu, A. Giurginca, R. Radvan, Effect of the laser cleaning on the fluorescence characteristics of the parchment, UPB Sci. Bull., Series B, 72/4 (2010) 125-130.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6708
M. Elisa, I. C. Vasiliu, B. A. Sava, F. Nastase, C. Nastase, A. Volceanov, V. Dima, S. Stoleriu, M. Eftimie, Structural and morphological characterization of silicophosphate thin films containing Nd3+ ions, Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol., B. 51/6 (2010) 309–317.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6510
M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, R. Iordanescu, I. Feraru, C. Vasiliu, M. Calin, A. Diaconu, L. D. Ursu, L. Boroica, Z. Plaiasu, F. Nastase, C. Nastase, A. Dumitru, Obtaining and characterization of calcium/magnesium/iron lithium phosphate glasses, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/9 (2010) 1301-1303.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6392
M. Elisa, B. A. Sava, A. Volceanov, R. C. C. Monteiro, E. Alves, N. Franco, F. A. Costa Oliveira, H. Fernandes, M. C. Ferro, Structural and thermal characterization of SiO2–P2O5 sol–gel powders upon annealing at high temperatures, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356 (2010) 495 - 501.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6586
M. Ciobanu, L. Preda, A. Popescu, M. Mihailescu, M. I. Rusu, Designing tunable photonic crystals with band gaps in microwave range, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7/6 (2010) 1032 - 1034.
Citește mai departe:Designing tunable photonic crystals with band gaps in microwave range
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6314
M. Ciobanu, Dan Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M. Rusu, S. Dontu, Chaotic behavior of ideal four-level laser with periodic pump modulation II, UPB Scientific Bulletin - A, 2 (2010) 179 – 184.
Citește mai departe:Chaotic behavior of ideal four-level laser with periodic pump modulation II
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6391
M. Ciobanu, M. I. Rusu, D. Tenciu D, et al., Masking messages using chaos, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/1 (2010) 179 – 184.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6388
M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, C. N. Zoita, A. Vladescu, E. Grigore, Characteristics of (TiAlCrNbY)C films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol., 204 (2010) 2010-2014.
Citește mai departe:Characteristics of (TiAlCrNbY)C films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6451
M. Balaceanu, T. Petreus, V. Braic, C. N. Zoita, A. Vladescu, C. E. Cotrutz, M. Braic, Characterization of Zr-based hard coatings for medical implants applications, Surf. Coat. Technol., 204 (2010) 2046-2050.
Citește mai departe:Characterization of Zr-based hard coatings for medical implants applications
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6289
M. Balaceanu, A. Vladescu, M. Braic, C. N. Zoita, I. Feraru, V. Braic, Influence of ion bombardment flux on the characteristics of NiC films obtained by cathodic arc deposition, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2219 – 2223.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6731
M. A. Calin, T. Coman, M. R. Calin, The effect of low level laser therapy on surgical wound healing, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/3 (2010) 617-627.
Citește mai departe:The effect of low level laser therapy on surgical wound healing
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6489
M. A. Calin, S. Parasca, The in vivo study of the age-related modification of the optical properties of the skin, Lasers in Medical Science, 25/2 (2010) 269-274.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6146
M. A. Calin, S. Botea, In vivo comparison of simple and double-fractionated low-level laser irradiation schemes on the healing of rat skin lesions, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 28/2 (2010) 245-250.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6151
M. A. Calin, R. M. Ion, The efficacy of photodynamic inactivation of the microorganisms using laser souces and methylene blue as photosensitizer, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 12/1 (2010) 141-145.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6312
L. Széll, V. Cetean, L. Gagea, A. Tóth, C. Roman, M. Roman, A. Gog, Recovery possibilities of power plant fly ash from Zalau, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 55/3 (2010) 39-49.
Citește mai departe:Recovery possibilities of power plant fly ash from Zalau
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6685
L. Senila, M. Mirela, M. Roman, M. Chintoanu, G. Katona, C. Roman, C. Majdik, Starch hydrolysis with commercial enzime preparates, Studia Universitatis Babes-Boyai CHEMIA, 3 (2010) 145-150.
Citește mai departe:Starch hydrolysis with commercial enzime preparates
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6591
L. Senila, A. Gog, M. Senila, C. Roman, F. Irimie, Analysis of glucose obtained from wood carbohydrates by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Studia Chemia, 3 (2010) 51-56.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6674
L. Marmureanu, C. Talianu, R. Radulescu, J. Vasilescu, Cloud height comparison from seviri and lidar, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 1952 – 1955.
Citește mai departe:Cloud height comparison from seviri and lidar
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6690
L. Ghervase, E. M. Carstea, G. Pavelescu, D. Savastru, Laser induced fluorescence efficiency in water quality assessment, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/3 (2010) 652 – 659.
Citește mai departe:Laser induced fluorescence efficiency in water quality assessment
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6292
L. Ghervase, E. M. Carstea, D. Savastru, G. Pavelescu, Fluorescence evaluation of drinking water organic contamination, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 9/11 (2010) 897-901.
Citește mai departe:Fluorescence evaluation of drinking water organic contamination
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6556
L. Cristescu, E. Borisova, G. Pavelescu, A. Daskalova, E. M. Carstea, Fluorescence evaluation of anthropogenic influence on rivers crossing Sofia, Rom. Rep Phys, 62/1 (2010) 193 – 201.
Citește mai departe: Fluorescence evaluation of anthropogenic influence on rivers crossing Sofia
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6258
L. Braic, C. N. Zoita, Influence of the deposition time and temperature on the texture of InN thin films grown by magnetron sputtering, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2013-2017.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6371
L. Belegante, J. Vasilescu, R. Radulescu, C. P. Cristescu, Preliminary results on the determination of ozone concentration in the atmosphere using the DIAL system, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 1956 – 1959.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6839
J. Vasilescu, L. Marmureanu, E. Carstea et al., Oil spills detection from fluorescence lidar measurements, U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series A, 72/2 (2010) 149-154.
Citește mai departe:Oil spills detection from fluorescence lidar measurements
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6344
I. Vetres, I. Ionel, F. Popescu, D. Nicolae, C. Talianu, L. Dungan, Lidar system implementation and development for novel Romanian systems, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/8 (2010) 1074-1077.
Citește mai departe:Lidar system implementation and development for novel Romanian systems
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6417
I. Ungureanu, S. Stefan, D. Nicolae, Investigation of the cloud cover and planetary boundary layer (PBL) characteristics using ceilometer CL-31, Romanian Reports in Physics, 62/2 (2010) 396-404.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6436
I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, Numerical simulation of a DFB-fiber laser sensor, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/8 (2010) 1636 – 1645.
Citește mai departe: Numerical simulation of a DFB-fiber laser sensor
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6506
I. Lancranjan, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, A. Popescu, Numerical simulation of a DFB-fiber laser sensor (II) - theoretical analysis of an acoustic sensor, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/12 (2010) 2456 - 2461.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6411
I. Ionel, G. Apostol, F. Popescu, C. Talianu, M. Apascaritei, Air quality monitoring in an international Romanian airport, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 11/3 (2010) 815-821.
Citește mai departe:Air quality monitoring in an international Romanian airport
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6398
I. Chilibon, Piezoceramics under electron irradiation, U. P. B. Sci. Bull. - A, 72/2 (2010) 185-196
Citește mai departe:Piezoceramics under electron irradiation
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6323
I. Ardelean, S. Lupsor, D. Rusu, Infrared and Raman spectroscopic investigations of xMnO (100-x)[As2O3 TeO2] glass system, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405/9 (2010) 2259-2262.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6562
H. Niciu, I. C. Vasiliu, A. Manea, D. Radu, M. Secu, C. Onose , L. Ghervase, D. Niciu, I. D. Feraru, C. E. A. Grigorescu, Investigations of the neodymium doped quartz glasses obtained by the hybrid sot-gel method, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/10 (2010) 1620-1623.
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6408
G. Katona, M. Miclean, M. Chintoanu, M. Roman, E. Luca, L. Senila, C. Majdik, C. Roman, The cellular biodegradation of di- and trihydroxybenzenes, Studia Chemia, 3 (2010) 151-156.
Citește mai departe:The cellular biodegradation of di- and trihydroxybenzenes
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6139
G. Katona, C. Roman, M. Chintoanu, A. Gog, G. Pitl, M. Roman, E. l. Luca, C. Majdik, The biodegradation of various polihydroxy benzenes with pelobacter acidigallici, Revista de Chimie, 61/9 (2010) 907-910.
Citește mai departe:The biodegradation of various polihydroxy benzenes with pelobacter acidigallici
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6237
G. J. Vasilescu, C. P. Cristescu, L. Belegante, Multifractal analysis of fluorescence lidar time series of Black Sea waters, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. Volum: 12, Issue: 6, Pages: 1414-1420 2010
Citește mai departe:Multifractal analysis of fluorescence lidar time series of Black Sea waters
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6196
E. M. Carstea, L. Ghervase, G. Pavelescu, D. Savastru, A. M Forsea. E. Borisova, Combined optical techniques for skin lesion diagnosis: short communication, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 1960-1963.
Citește mai departe:Combined optical techniques for skin lesion diagnosis: short communication
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6187
E. M. Carstea, A. Baker, M. Bieroza, D. Reynolds, Continuous fluorescence excitation emission matrix of river organic matter, Water Research. 44/18 (2010) 5356-5366.
Citește mai departe:Continuous fluorescence excitation emission matrix of river organic matter
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6277
D. Ene, R. Radvan, High- resolution 3D digital models – CH surveyor, Romanian Reports and Physics, 62/3 (2010) 660–670.
Citește mai departe:High- resolution 3D digital models – CH surveyor
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6249
E. Carstea, L. Belegante, R. Radulescu, C. M. Radu, Volcanic ash monitoring over Bucharest area using a multiwavelenght Raman lidar, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2162-2166.
Citește mai departe:Volcanic ash monitoring over Bucharest area using a multiwavelength Raman lidar
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6432
D. Nicolae, L. Belegante, A. Nemuc, Laser remote sensing in atmosphere investigation, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 1946-1951.
Citește mai departe:Laser remote sensing in atmosphere investigation
- Detalii
- Accesări: 6284
D. Ene, R. Radvan, Interactive digital representation of Sasspol temples, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 12/6 (2010) 1394-1398.
Citește mai departe:Interactive digital representation of Sasspol temples
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