
L. Braic, C. N. Zoita, Influence of the deposition time and temperature on the texture of InN thin films grown by magnetron sputtering, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2013-2017.


Title: Influence of the deposition time and temperature on the texture of InN thin films grown by magnetron sputtering

Abstract: Indium nitride is an attractive semiconductor material for optoelectronic applications, high-speed electronics and solar cells. We report successful deposition of polycrystalline InN thin films onto un-etched plain (100) Si substrates by reactive RF magnetron sputtering method. The crystallographic characterization data and band-gap values are presented in relation with the films growth temperature and deposition time.

Key words: Indium nitride; Growth temperature; Crystalline structure; Band-gap; RF-magnetron sputtering

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