
G. J. Vasilescu, C. P. Cristescu, L. Belegante, Multifractal analysis of fluorescence lidar time series of Black Sea waters, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. Volum: 12, Issue: 6, Pages: 1414-1420 2010


Title: Multifractal analysis of fluorescence lidar time series of Black Sea waters

Abstract: The multifractal characteristics of the fluorescence signals from the surface Black Sea waters are analyzed using the structure function method. The fluorescence Lidar system was used to estimate in real time the distribution of dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll a during a 2007 spring campaign. The chlorophyll time series presents clear multifractal characteristics, while the dissolved organic matter presents a monofractal character. Various time series collected in the Constanta harbor area present the same general characteristics with small differences observed in the values of the exponent β but they all are restricted to the range between pink and red noise. The monofractal character is independent of the analyzed component demonstrating that the observed fluctuations are a property of the seawater itself.

Key words:Fluorescence, Chlorophyll, structure function, multifractal

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