
M. Ciobanu, Dan Savastru, S. Miclos, M. Tautan, M. Rusu, S. Dontu, Chaotic behavior of ideal four-level laser with periodic pump modulation II, UPB Scientific Bulletin - A, 2 (2010)  179 – 184.


Title: Chaotic behavior of ideal four-level laser with periodic pump modulation II

Abstract: A predictability investigation using the Grassberger-Proccaccia algorithm is performed for the ideal four - level laser in the case of periodic pump term, continuing a previous research. In addition, maximum Lyapunov exponents are calculated, and chaos is evidenced at the same threshold value of pump frequency by two ways, namely by a sudden decrease in the error doubling time (computed via the Kolmogorov entropy) and by the change in sign of the maximum Lyapunov exponents. Results are in very good agreement with those obtained in classical literature.

Key words: predictability; chaos; error doubling time; Lyapunov exponents

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