
C. Ducu, S. Moga, D. Negrea, V. Malinovschi, M. Balaceanu, Stress and texture in titanium nitride thin films by X-ray diffraction techniques, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 12/5 (2010) 1078-1082.


Title: Stress and texture in titanium nitride thin films by X-ray diffraction techniques

Abstract: In this paper we used X-Ray diffraction techniques in order to study the microstructurel parameters of TIN thin films deposited on silicon substrate by cathodic arc method. In terms of preferred orientation, the texture for all TIN thin films can be described as < 111 > parallel to normal direction fiber texture. The residual stresses were evaluated using the crystallite group method, applicable for specimens exhibiting a crystallographic fiber texture being simultaneously strong and sharp.

Key words: X-ray diffraction; Thin films; Texture; Residual stress

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