
J. Vasilescu, T. Onciu, L. Jugaru, L. Belegante, Remote estimation of fluorescence marine components distribution, Romanian Reports in Physics, 61/4 (2009) 721-726


Title: Remote estimation of fluorescence marine components distribution

Abstract: This study combines fluorescence Lidar measurements with classical determinations in order to assess the type of correlation between them and the fluorescence characteristics of natural water and polluted water from Romanian Black Sea coast. A fluorescence Lidar system was used to estimate in real time the distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and chlorophyll a. The levels of DOM concentration were characterized through fluorescence signature giving a picture of anthropogenic influences in the area. The fluorescence intensity for Black Sea coastal waters decreases with depth and with distance from the marine coast in the healthy areas. The bioproductivity of the marine environment, including algae blooming and oil pollution became more evident in the harbor areas.

Key words: fluorescence Lidar, dissolved organic matter, chlorophyll, petroleum

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