
V. Ghenescu, L. Ion, M. Ghenescu, M. Rusu, M. Gugiu, G. Velisa, O. Porumb, S. Antohe, Effects of proton irradiation on structural and optical properties of CdS thin films used in photovoltaic applications, Opoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rap. Comm. , 3/10 (2009) 1023 – 1026


Title: Effects of proton irradiation on structural and optical properties of CdS thin films used in photovoltaic applications

Abstract: The effects of irradiation with protons (3 MeV), at 10(14) protons/cm(2) fluency, on structural and optical properties of polycrystalline CdS thin films used in photovoltaic applications have been investigated. Structural, surface morphology and optical properties of as deposited CdS films were investigated by XRD, SEM, VIS-UV absorption. The irradiation only produced slight changes in the XRD pattern. Also, the optical bandgap was not significantly affected by irradiation.

Key words: CdS; XRD; Proton irradiation; Thin films; Photovoltaics

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