
N. Mocuta, G. Stetca, A.-M. Puscas, The presence of GMOs in soybean samples and soybean products examined in Salaj county, Romanian Agricultural research, 28 (2011) 103-108.


Title: The presence of GMOs in soybean samples and soybean products examined in Salaj county

Abstract: The output, trade and cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) represent highly controversial issues with implications in several domains. The detection of GMOs will become a future necessity due to the legislative requirements that are rather severe in terms of trading these products. In this context, the approach of several methodologies for laboratory diagnosis is needed in order to detect GMOs in food, fodder, seeds etc. Within the Sălaj Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Department Laboratory, the detection activity for GMOs was initiated, by means of the PCR-qualitative method. 54 soybean samples and soybean-derived-products were examined during the year 2008. Positive results were obtained for 11 samples. Although these results are not significant in statistical terms, one may notice that there are genetic modified organisms whose presence must be determined in specialized laboratories.

Key words: Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs), food, detection, PCR.


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