
L. Belegante, C. Talianu, A. V. Nemuc, D.N. Nicolae, Detection of local weather events from multiwavelength lidar measurements during the EARLI09 campaign, Romanian Journal of Physics, 56/3-4 (2011) 484-494.


Title: Detection of local weather events from multiwavelength lidar measurements during the EARLI09 campaign

Abstract: This paper aims to show the capability of lidar systems to detect atmospheric phenomena taking place within the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and the Free Troposphere (FT). Usually, lidar systems can measure a variety of atmospheric parameters including aerosols optical and geometrical properties, temperature and wind velocity. Moreover, the Mixing Layer Height (MLH), cloud heights, mineral dust and other aerosols layers can be determined from lidar measurements. The Bucharest Multiwavelength Raman Lidar (RALI) performed measurements during the Earlinet Reference LIdars campaign 2009 – EARLI09. The campaign was organized at the Institute for Tropospheric Physics, in Leipzig, Germany, from May 4th to May 29th, 2009. One interesting local

atmospheric phenomenon related to a frontal passage was observed on RALI Range Corrected Signal (RCS) from 26th of May 2009. This phenomenon was also confirmed by meteorological observations. Combining Lidar observations with models, we were able to evidence, with a high confidence level, a dust intrusion event and a local extreme weather phenomenon.

Key words: multiwavelength lidar, atmospheric phenomena, campaign

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