
L. Marmureanu, N. A. Geamana, A. Vadineanu, Methodological aspects of the investigation of complex interaction among people and biodiversity's components, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6/2 (2011) 159-172.


Title: Methodological aspects of the investigation of complex interaction among people and biodiversity's components

Abstract: It has been concluded into last two decades that the effectiveness in the designing, implementation of strategies programs and particular projects, regarding biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use of their components are highly depended on the involvement of different stakeholders and public in general in each stage of this process. The need to identify consultative and participative methods, to actively involve public in the decision making process proved to be one of the most critical socio-ecological research program launched and implemented since 2000 in long term socio-ecological research sites (LTSER) - Neajlov catchment and Islands of Braila. Thus, the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability – University of Bucharest has extended the research objectives from that regarding natural capital structure and functions to those aimed to economic valuation of natural resources and services and socio-analyses of people perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, in order to create the background for public involvement in decision making process.

Within this context has been carried out the activity for identification, testing and adaptation of a range of methods and tools already developed and applied mostly in a sectorial way in different projects. The paper present and discuss the results in a specific research program implemented in the two LTSER sites in order to establish the package of methods to be used for further researches in this particular field, covering the complexity of the mechanism and processes involved in the assessment of complex interaction between people and nature. Based on a set of selected criteria we have identified and proposed a package of four methods consisting in: questionnaire, interview, focus group and value clarification to be extensively used for socioecological research which will be carried out in the national LTSER network sites which is integrated in the European and global LTER/ LTSER networks.

Key words: participation, consultation, method characterization, SWOT, biodiversity

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