
A. Popescu, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, Application of vitreous As-S-Se chalcogenides as active layer in surface plasmon resonance configuration, Dig. J. Nanomater. Bios., 6/3 (2011) 1245 – 1252.


Title: Application of vitreous As-S-Se chalcogenides as active layer in surface plasmon resonance configuration

Abstract: Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) in four layer configuration was analyzed in this paper. Thin film, less the 400 nm thickness, of chalcogenide glass was used as 4-th layer in such SPR interaction. Software for numerical simulations was developed. Calculations are performed for the film refractive index of 2.47 and GaP coupling prism. Some chalcogenide materials, like As-S-Se or GaLaS, which exhibit photoinduced changes of the refractive index can be used as active media. Many reflectivity dips exist in such configuration as for p-polarization as for s-polarization. The later are more sensitive to the film refractive index changes that can be on the order of 10(-4) - 10(-5). SPR configuration opens new possibilities for the development of optical memory devices based on chalcogenide glasses.

Key words: chalcogenides; plasmon; thin-film

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