
N. C. Zoita, C. Besleaga, L. Braic, T.  Mitran, M. Vlaicu, Pyramidal morphology of InN thin films deposited by reactive RF-magnetron sputtering, Optoelectron. Adv. Mat., 2/12 (2008) 796-797


Title: Pyramidal morphology of InN thin films deposited by reactive RF-magnetron sputtering

Abstract: Indium nitride is an attractive semiconductor material for optoelectronic applications, high-speed electronics and solar cells. We report deposition of polycrystalline InN thin films with pyramidal morphology on different substrates by reactive RF magnetron sputtering method. The morphological characterization if the films are presented in corroboration with the deposition parameters and the observed crystallographic structure.

Key words: Indium nitride; Surface morphology; Magnetron sputtering

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