
E.Darvasi, S. Stirban, A.Stirban, M. Ursu, D. Gomoiescu, M.Chintoanu, Optospectrals system for the quantification of optical parameters of old paper; J.Optoelectron.Adv. Mater. 7/2 (2005) 1107 – 1111

Title: Optospectrals system for the quantification of optical parameters of old paper

Abstract: A specialised spectral multichannel device was built in the view of characterisation of paper  manuscripts (codices). It is based on a spectrophotometric module with a concave diffraction grating and a CCD detector. The tests on the manuscripts were performed by measuring the reflectance in a 45/0o geometry. The measured spectral data were used for the calculation of the color parameters in the CIELAB space. The device was tested for applications in conservation-restoration at the National Centre for Conservation and Restoration of Historical Publications within The National Union Museum from Alba Iulia (Romania) by using a Romanian manuscript dating from the 18th century.

Key words: Optospectral system, Spectral reflectance, Old paper


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