
S.A.Manea, O.Monnereau, R.Notonier, F.Guinneton, C.Logofatu, L.Tortet, A.Garnier, M.Mitrea, C.Negrila, W.Branford, C.E.A Grigorescu, Heusler bulk materials as targets for pulsed laser deposition: growth and characterization, Journal of Crystal Growth 275/1-2 (2005) e1787-e1792

Title: Heusler bulk materials as targets for pulsed laser deposition: growth and characterization

Abstract: This work concerns the preparation and characterisation of homogeneous bulk Co2Mn (Si, Ge, Ga, Sn Sb0.8Sn0.2) to be used as targets for pulsed laser deposition of magnetic contacts for spintronic devices. The samples have been prepared by direct synthesis from elemental powders followed by vertical gradient freeze. Characterisation of their structural properties and compositional homogeneity was performed by X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy combined with scanningelectron microscopy. The results show one-phase for the Heusler alloys. The Curie temperatures of the samples have been measured by both thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry and are in a good agreement with the previously published values. The saturation magnetisation values are close to the values for single crystals.

Key words: Characterisation; Gradient freeze technique; Pulsed laser deposition; Heusler alloys; Half-metallic

ferromagnets;  Spintronic devices


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