
Ciobanu, M (Ciobanu, M); Babin, V (Babin, V); Nicolae, DN (Nicolae, DN); Talianu, C (Talianu, C), Molecular dynamics simulations of the backscattering of He++ ions from a random assembly of gold atoms, Applied Physics Letters , 80/15 (2002) 2716-2718  


Title: Molecular dynamics simulations of the backscattering of He++ ions from a random assembly of gold atoms 

Abstract: The backscattering of 8 - 50 keV He++ from uniformly distributed Au atoms is investigated with a computer code based on the Molecular Dynamics method, A screened Coulomb type potential is used to describe the interactions between particles. The angular distribution, the energy - loss and energy distributions of backscattered particles are calculated using two different energy - loss models: the Lindhard - Scharff nonlocal energy loss and the Firsov model. The energy - loss distribution presents a peak for 30 keV incident energy for both models, whereas other incident energies show a cvasi - continuous spectrum. The energy distribution indicates Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) is approximately verified for 8 and 20 keV for the Lindhard - Scharff model and for 8, 20, and 30 keV for the Firsov model.

Keywords: molecular dynamics; inelastic energy loss; binary collision approximation

Author: V. Babin

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