M. Ponta, T. Frentiu, A. Sarkany-Kiss, E.A. Cordos, Traces of Copper, Manganese and Zinc in Aquatic Animals, Water and Sediments from the Cris River Basin – West Romania. Part II: Distribution Study. Croatica Chemica Acta, 75/1 (2002) 307 – 317.

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M. Ponta, T. Frentiu, A.M.Rusu, E.A. Cordos, Traces of Copper, Manganese and Zinc in Aquatic Animals and Sediments from the Cris River Basin – West Romania. Part I: Statistical Evaluation of Data Obtained by Atomic Emmission Spectrometry with Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Source and Flame Atomic Absorbtion Spectrometry, Croatica Chemica Acta, 75/1 (2002) 291 – 306. 

Read more: Traces of Copper, Manganese and Zinc in Aquatic Animals and Sediments from the Cris River Basin –...

T. Frenţiu, E. Darvasi, S.D. Anghel, A. Simon, M. Ponta şi E.A. Cordoş, A Simultaneous Spectrometer with Photodiode Array Detector and Low Power Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma  Source, Chem. Anal (Warsaw), 2002, 47, 725 – 736. 

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V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, I. Tudor, A. Popescu, M. Braic,  G.  Pavelescu, R. Zamfir, Properties of titanium based hard coatings deposited by the cathodic arc method II. Mechanical, anticorrosive and wear resistance characteristics, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4/1 (2002) 115-120

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M.Balaceanu, M. Braic, D. Macovei, MJ. Genet, A. Manea, D. Pantelica, V. Braic, F. Negoita, Properties of titanium based hard coatings deposited by the cathodic arc method I. Microchemical and microstructural characteristics, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4/1 (2002) 107-114

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J. Giapintzakis, C.E.A. Grigorescu, A. Klini, A. Manousaki, V. Zorba, J. Androulakis, Z.Viskadourakis, C.Fotakis, Low-temperature growth of NiMnSb thin films by pulsed-laser deposition, Applied Physics Letters, 80/15 (2002) 2716-2718

Read more: Low-temperature growth of NiMnSb thin films by pulsed-laser deposition

Ciobanu, M (Ciobanu, M); Babin, V (Babin, V); Nicolae, DN (Nicolae, DN); Talianu, C (Talianu, C), Molecular dynamics simulations of the backscattering of He++ ions from a random assembly of gold atoms, Applied Physics Letters , 80/15 (2002) 2716-2718  

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Ozunu, A (Ozunu, A); Pesch, B (Pesch, B); Du Prel, JB (Du Prel, JB); Gherghes, I (Gherghes, I); Cordos, E(Cordos, E); Chintoanu, M (Chintoanu, M), Disaster management plans of a Romanian gold mine before and after a complex disaster with respect to a sustainable development,  Epidemiology, 13/4 (2002) S96-S98

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E. Cordos,C. Roman, M. Ponta,A. Rusu, T. Frentiu, R.Rautiu, A. Sarkany, Synopsis of the environmental impact of a complex cyanide disaster in Romania 2000, Epidemiology, 13/4 (2002) S95-S96

Read more: Synopsis of the environmental impact of a complex cyanide disaster in Romania 2000

I. Chilibon Underwater flextensional piezoceramic sandwich transducer, Sensors and Actuators – A, 100/2-3 (2002) 287-292 

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V.I. Vlad, V. Babin, A. Mocofanescu, Analytical treatment of the three-dimensional model of stimulated Brillouin scattering with axial symmetric pump wave, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Material,  4/3 (2002) 581-594  

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J. Giapintzakis, C.E.A. Grigorescu, A.Klini, A.Manousaki, V.Zorba, J. Androulakis, Z.Viskadourakis, C. Fotakis,Pulsed-laser deposition of NiMnSb thin films at moderate temperatures, Applied Surface Science  Volume, 197 (2002) 421-425

Read more: Pulsed-laser deposition of NiMnSb thin films at moderate temperatures

Niculescu, VIR (Niculescu, VIR); Babin, V (Babin, V); Dan, M (Dan, M), A modified Hanning wavelet, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4/4 (2002) 971-973 

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V. Babin, M. Ciobanu, C. Talianu, DN. Nicolae, Statistical model for lidar signal validation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,  4/4 (2002) 901-910 

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F. Sava, R. Cristescu, G. Socol, R. Radvan, R. Savastru, D. Savastru, Structure Of Bulk And Thin Films Of Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) Polymer Prepared By Pulsed Laser Deposition, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,  4/4 (2002) 965-970 

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