A.Voght, B. Pesch, T. Lyesnykh, R. Rautiu, V. Troitsky, D. Magazanik, C. Mambetova, A. Tabyshalieva, E. Cordos, C. Roman, A. Ozunu, I. Bocsan, M. Vlad, A. Sinca, U. Ranft., The Risk of Cyanide in Gold Leaching on Health and Environment, European Epimarker, 7/3 (2003) 1-7. 

Read more: The Risk of Cyanide in Gold Leaching on Health and Environment

E. Cordos, R. Ratiu, C. Roman, M. Ponta, T. Frentiu, A. Sarkany, L. Fodorpataki, K. Macalik, C. McCormick, D. Weiss, Characterisation of the rivers system in the mining and industrial area of Baia Mare, Romania, European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, 3/3 (2003)  324-335

Read more: Characterisation of the rivers system in the mining and industrial area of Baia Mare, Romania

T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, S.D. Anghel,  A. Simon, I. Marginean, E.A. Cordos, Statistical Evaluation of Cu, Mn and Zn Determinations in Biological Samples by Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Using the Bland and Altman Test,  Microchim. Acta, 143/4 (2003) 245-254

Read more: Statistical Evaluation of Cu, Mn and Zn Determinations in Biological Samples by Radiofrequency...

M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, G. Pavelescu, A. Vladescu, Plasma deposition of alternate TiN/ZrN multilayer hard coatings, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5/5 (2003) 1399-1404

Read more: Plasma deposition of alternate TiN/ZrN multilayer hard coatings

C.E.A. Grigorescu, S.A. Manea, M. Mitrea, O. Monnereau, R. Notonier, L. Tortet, R. J. Giapintzakis, A. Klini, V. Zorba, J. Androulakis, C. Fotakis, Surface particularities in pulsed laser ablation/deposition of the ferromagnetic alloy NiMnSb, Applied Surface Science,  212 (2003) 78-84   

Read more: Surface particularities in pulsed laser ablation/deposition of the ferromagnetic alloy NiMnSb

M. Braic, S. Zamfir, M.Balaceanu,  V. Braic, G. Pavelescu, A. Zamfir,  A. Vladescu, Corrosion resistance of TiN coated 316L stainless steel in artificial physiological solution, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5/2 (2003) 503-510  

Read more: Corrosion resistance of TiN coated 316L stainless steel in artificial physiological solution

A. Ciobanu, V.  Babin, D.N.  Nicolae, C.  Talianu, C. Morosanu,  Numerical simulations of the backscattering from a crystalline lattice, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 5/3 (2003) 657-660

Read more: Numerical simulations of the backscattering from a crystalline lattice

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