
V.I. Vlad, V. Babin, A. Mocofanescu, Analytical treatment of the three-dimensional model of stimulated Brillouin scattering with axial symmetric pump wave, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Material,  4/3 (2002) 581-594  


Title: Analytical treatment of the three-dimensional model of stimulated Brillouin scattering with axial symmetric pump wave

Abstract: Analytical treatment of the three-dimensional SBS model is presented and developed in order to guide the SBS geometry optimisation and the study of the transversal effects (including the phase conjugation fidelity of the Stokes wave). Analytical solutions were found for Gaussian and axial symmetric pump beams, which provide important control parameters for the SBS process and are easier to be used in comparison with the numerical results. The consistency of the analytical solutions obtained for Gaussian non-depleted and depleted pump waves with those obtained for more general pump waves and with the numerical results was ensured. The analytical results fit well the present experimental results. We have also calculated the SBS reflectivity and phase conjugation fidelity. In the practical cases, these important parameters can be written as simple functions of the pump energy can be related in a manner, which is well supported by the numerical simulation and experimental data.

Keywords: stimulated Brillouin scattering; axial symmetric pump wave

Author: V. Babin

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