Anual Report 2005


The vanguard research is now probably the most dynamic field of activity, meeting strong challenges, competition and permanent high market requirements. On the way from idea to application research is the first step in achieving outstanding results.

At Lisbon, Goteborg and Barcelona the role of the science and technology was considered primordial in building a knowledge-based economy, with a sustainable and durable growth, able to generate work places, social and regional cohesion, to satisfy the social demands and to ensure a healthy environment.

In this general context the National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics has developed in 2005 fundamental and applicative research in optoelectronics, analytical chemistry and high-pressure physics suited to the preferential topics of the FP 7 and to the research strategy of the institute.

The high scientific potential is ensured today by the accumulated expertise through the last years and by the endowment well improved over the 9 years past since the foundation of the institute, which is now highly performing in specific domains.

Mobility, adaptability, professionalism, tenacity and accuracy are features compelled to all personnel of the institute by a modern and active management. INOE 2000 is the clear proof of the advantages of a challenging system. The partnership in international projects - with clear objectives and milestones imposed by contracts, where meeting requirements is a must for each partner whether unachieved obligations are disqualifying on the long term – has represented the best way of training for the entire personnel and to date a few European projects are coordinated by Romanian research scientists.

With a view to the future as to a world of competition, the institute has accepted all challenges: complex projects with numerous partners, networks of excellence, fundamental and applicative research projects.

This brief presentation of the research activities carried out in the institute during 2005 is aimed to arouse the interest and the wish to improve knowledge in a field merging physical, optical, electronic, chemical and material sciences to develop newer, faster and more efficient ways of exploiting the properties of light.

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