
V. Sava, C. Ilie, M. Popa, M. Stanescu, M. I. Rusu, M. Udrea, Optimisation of processing with excimer laser mask technique, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 5/2 (2011) 99-102.


Title: Optimisation of processing with excimer laser mask technique

Abstract: The quality of laser machined surface and bulk of different materials with applications in micro-technologies is investigated. Machining occurred with a 248 nm KrF excimer laser and a particularly designed optical system. Optimising tests were performed on poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA), which were further applied to poly-ethylene terephthalate (PET), silicon and ferromagnetic material. All the tests were performed in normal atmospheric condition. The experimental results are presented and compared for improving the machining quality of materials.

Key words: Excimer laser; PMMA; MEMS manufacturing; Homogenizer optical systems

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