Print Lancranjan, S. Miclos, D. Savastru, Numerical simulation of a passive optical Q – switched solid state laser - high brightness Nd:YAG laser case, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 13/5-6  (2011) 477 - 484.


Title: Numerical simulation of a passive optical Q – switched solid state laser - high brightness Nd:YAG laser case

Abstract: This paper is the first of a series on numerical simulation of solid state lasers operated in passive optical Q-switching regime and their applications in various fields. The main purpose of this series is to present the results obtained using numerical analysis as a tool for properly designing solid state lasers, function of application for which these are dedicated since the passive optical Q-switching regime is a large scale used technique. In this paper the numerical simulation results obtained for a passive optical Q-switched Nd:YAG laser of a smaller volume dedicated to similar to 5ns FWHM time duration and over 200 mJ energy pulse generation. The main purpose of the performed theoretical analysis consists of a better understanding of Nd:YAG laser q-switching process itself and of its possible applications in range finding, guiding, materials micro processing and nonlinear optics.

Key words: Passive optical Q-switching; Numerical simulation; Nd:YAG laser; Laser application

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