
M. Ciobanu, D. Savastru, M. I. Rusu, V. Savu, D. Tenciu, M. Tautan, Computer Simulations for Large Band Gaps in Photonic Crystals, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A, 73/3 (2011) 191-194.


Title: Computer Simulations for Large Band Gaps in Photonic Crystals

Abstract: With the aid of computer simulations we design an accordable 2D photonic crystal with band gaps. Results show that a simple honeycomb configuration micromachined on ferroelectrics could have hand-gaps in a large interval, if the dielectric constant is suitable changed by an appropriate voltage. Several runs were done Or different values of the dielectric constant and different intervals of band - gaps were obtained

Key words: accordable photonic crystals; band gap

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