
I. Avarvarei, O. Dontu, I. D. Filipoiu, D. Besnea, O. Turcan, D. Savastru, Control system, device and technologies for thin wire diameter measurement, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 13/7-8 (2011) 1035-1041.


Title: Control system, device and technologies for thin wire diameter measurement

Abstract: This paper presents the results of research regarding designing and manufacturing of a measuring device used to estimate the diameter of thin wires (0.015-1mm). The system uses the diffraction produced by a laser radiation and interprets the diffraction pattern. The designing and manufacturing stage of the measuring device using CNC milling machines as well as the logical scheme, the electronic components and the Lab View program are presented.

Key words: Laser; Measurement; Diameter; Thin-wire; Diffraction

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