
V. Soare, M. Burada, D. Mitrica, V. Badilita, F. Stoiciu, C. P. Lungu , V. Ghenescu, M. I. Rusu, S. Antohe, Electrodeposition and characterization of CuInSe2/CdS multilayered thin films deposited on flexible substrate, Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. – Rapid Comm., 4/12 (2010) 2018- 2021.


Title: Electrodeposition and characterization of CuInSe2/CdS multilayered thin films deposited on flexible substrate

Abstract: Highly efficient multilayered thin films of Kapton/Ni/CIS/CdS/AI were obtained. Kapton is a plastic material with good flexibility, mechanical and high temperature resistance. A 1.5 micron layer of nickel was deposited on kapton material by TVA method. Single step co-deposition method was used to prepare the CIS layer. A subsequent 350 degrees C annealing was applied to improve CIS crystallinity and homogeneity. A CdS layer was deposited by single source thermal vacuum evaporation method. XRD and SEM-EDAX analyses confirmed a uniform and near to CIS stoichiometry composition. Ellipsometry revealed band gaps of 1.03 eV for CIS and 2.46eV for CdS, which confirm the literature data.

Key words: CIS; Thin films; Electrodeposition; Optoelectronic

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