
R. Patrascu, G. Darie, A. Volceanov, B. A. Sava, M. Elisa, Adina Stanculea, Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry, Rom. J. Mat., 40/2 (2010) 153-160.


Title: Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry

Abstract: The present article is an integrated approach of energetic efficiency in the field of glass manufacturing industry as well as the reduction of its environment impact. In the same time, this article is targeting an improvement of energetic and economic efficiency, a reduction of the environment impact (CO(2), NO(x), SO(2) and dust emissions) and new equipment implementation in the field of glass manufacturing industry in Romania. This article takes also in consideration the consequences of the glass waste recycling. As a result of the present model, complex appraisal methodologies of energetic efficiency, environmental impact and economic efficiency as well as new clean technologies will be available for the Romanian glass manufacturing domain. In this way, Romanian glass industry will be able to reach European efficiency and environment standards. Emissions reduction, especially CO(2), will create appropriate conditions to implement the main Kyoto Agreement measures.  New methodologies techniques and technologies (solutions, equipments, etc) and also the new developed evaluation models might have a replication potential for other industrial branches.

Key words:  glass technology; environment; efficiency; equipment

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