
M. Popescu, A. Velea, A. Lőrinczi, M. Zamfirescu, F. Jipa, S. Miclos, M. Ciobanu, D. Savastru, A. Popescu, Two dimensional photonic structures based on As-S chalcogenide glass, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5/4 (2010) 1101-1105.


Title: Two dimensional photonic structures based on As-S chalcogenide glass

Abstract: Two-dimensional photonic structure has been imprinted on the surface of arsenic sulphide glass using the pulses of a femtosecond laser. Due to the interaction of the laser beam with the glass, the laser traces were obtained as hillocks of around 150-200 nanometer in height, or holes of depth around 100-300 nm, without the need for a later etching stage as in the usual practice. The calculation of the band structure shows a photonic band gap between 0.9 and 1.0 c/a. By varying the energy of the laser pulse we have the possibility to choose between the two possibilities to produce a photonic structure made-up of hillocks or a photonic structure consisting of holes. The value of the threshold pulse power which controls the resulting surface morphology and the obtained photonic structure has found to be around 15 mW. The surface topography of the structures obtained has been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM).

Key words: Photonic crystal; Two-dimensional structures; Chalcogenide glass; As(2)S(3)

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