
D. Ene, R. Radvan, Interactive digital representation of Sasspol temples,  J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 12/6 (2010) 1394-1398.


Title: Interactive digital representation of Sasspol temples

Abstract: Near Alchi, Ladakh region, from Jammu & Kashmir state India, is Sasspol, a small village - not that well known location that hides beautiful cave- painted- Buddhist temples. This paper presents activities regarding 3D laser scanning of two of the painted caves, a first temple in a good conservation and a second temple with a residential side in ruins. Except of these two temples, other remains of temples exist, some with remaining paintings, but they are hardly identifiable, even harder to access and badly collapsed. Beside the 3D acquisition where taken samplings from different areas to distinguish the red pigments used. Investigated methods consists in laboratory spectroscopic analysis, methods like laser induced breakdown spectroscopy or laser induced fluorescence. The work presented in this paper is part of a scanning campaign, made in August 2008, at the invitation of Tibet Heritage Fund, with measurements including location like Alchi and Leh.

Key words: Cultural heritage; Laser; Interactive model; Accessibility; Remote

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