
T. Frentiu, M. Ponta, E. A. Levei, E. Gheorghiu, M. Benea, E. Cordos, Preliminary study on heavy metals contamination of soil using solid phase speciation and the influence on groundwater in Bozânta - Baia Mare area, Romania, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 20/2 (2008) 99-109.


Title: Preliminary study on heavy metals contamination of soil using solid phase speciation and the influence on groundwater in Bozânta - Baia Mare area, Romania, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability

Abstract: A preliminary study on soil contamination with heavy metals and As based on solid phase speciation according to the Tessier scheme and the influence on groundwater in an area under anthropogenic influence (Bozanta-Baia Mare, Romania) was conducted. The partitioning of Al, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in five fractions is discussed in relation to soil characteristics, pH, organic matter content, mineralogical composition and distribution of the same elements in airborne particulate matter. The airborne particulate matter contains high quantities of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn as exchangeable fraction. The sequential extraction carried out on soil samples revealed the main role of Fe-Mn oxides surface in the immobilization of metals. Organic matter has a specific role in complexation of Cu, Pb, As and Al, since high contents of these metals were recovered in the oxidizable fraction. Cadmium has a high selectivity for carbonate minerals. The amendment of soil with natural fertilizer increases the exchangeable fraction of metals with the highest toxicity. The available fraction for plants (exchangeable+carbonate-bound species) exceeded the alert values in soil, therefore the continuous monitoring of the area is necessary. The soil is unsuitable for agricultural use due to high contamination on surface with toxic elements resulted from anthropogenic activities. Groundwater is contaminated with very toxic elements (As, Cd and Pb) but also with Cu, Mn and Zn and is unsuitable as supply for drinking water

Key words: soil contamination; groundwater contamination; heavy metals; sequential extraction; airborne particulate matter

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