
M. Senila, E. A. Levei, C. Roman, L. Senila, B. Abraham, E. Cordoş, Estimation of metals bioavailability in river waters by in situ speciation using the technique of diffusion gradients in thin films (DGT), Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria CHEMIA, 3 (2008) 65-70


Title: Estimation of metals bioavailability in river waters by in situ speciation using the technique of diffusion gradients in thin films (DGT)

Abstract: Trace metals such as Cu, Zn, Mn and Ni play an important role as essential elements in aquatic systems. Elevated concentrations of these elements and of non-essential elements such as Cd, however, may be toxic. Investigation of the speciation of trace metals is a prerequisite to evaluating their bioavailability and mobility. Biological responses of organisms often have been shown to be related to the free-ion activity of a metal ion or to the concentration of labile metal species in solution. We evaluated the application of DGT as a tool to determine Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd and Mn concentrations and speciation in Crisul Alb River. Total metals, dissolved metals and labile-DGT metals concentration were determined. The DGT-labile species of Cu and Zn amounted to 15–30% of the total dissolved concentrations, Cd and Ni to 40-50% and Mn to 70-80%.

Key words: DGT, metals bioavailability, speciation, ICP-MS

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