
A. Nemuc, R. DeZafra, Ozone profiles over the South Pole from ground-based retrievals and satellite data, J.Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 9/11 (2007) 3533-3540


Title: Ozone profiles over the South Pole from ground-based retrievals and satellite data

Abstract: We have compared vertical profiles of O3 from a ground-based millimetre-wave spectrometer (GBMS) located at the South Pole with ozone profiles from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) onboard UARS(Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite). Air parcel trajectories were used to select MLS measurements within 70°-80° S latitude and 6 days forward or backward from GBMS observations. We interpret some common features and explain discrepancies. Double-peaked vertical profiles are present for a large fraction of the year throughout the region considered. Comparisons of GBMS with zone averages of MLS data were also made, showing the clear presence of seasonal gradients in the mid to upper stratosphere when lateral transport is slow in comparison with the O3 photochemical equilibrium lifetime.

Key words: Ozone, Measurements, Antarctica, Stratosphere

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