
M.Zoran et al., The Use Of multi-temporal and multispectral satellite data for change detection analysis of the Black Sea coastal zone, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater, 8/1 (2006) 252-256


Title: The Use Of multi-temporal and multispectral satellite data for change detection analysis of the Black Sea coastal zone

Abstract: The Romanian North Western coastal and shelf zones of the Black Sea and Danube delta are a mosaic of complex, interacting ecosystems, rich natural resources and socio-economic activity. Dramatic changes in the Black Sea's ecosystem and resources are due to natural and anthropogenic causes (increase in the nutrient and pollutant load of rivers input, industrial and municipal wastewater pollution along the coast, and dumping on the open sea). A scientific management system for protection, conservation and restoration must be based on reliable information on bio-geophysical and geomorphologic processes, coastal erosion, sedimentation dynamics, mapping of macrophyte fields, water quality, climatic change effects. Synergetic use of quasi-simultaneously acquired multi-sensor data may therefore allow for a better approach of change detection of coastal area. This paper is an application of multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite remotely sensed data (Landsat MSS, TM, ETM, SAR ERS, ASTER, MODIS) over a period of time between 1975 and 2003 for North-Western Black Sea coastal zone change detection assessment. Spectral mixture analysis, supervised and unsupervised classification are used to study chosen test areas. The results can be utilized as a temporal land-use change model for a region to quantify the extent and nature of change, and aid in future prediction studies, which helps in planning environmental agencies to develop sustainable land-use practices.

Key words: North-Western Black Sea; coastal zone changes; Danube delta; remote sensing

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