
M.A.Calin,R.M.Ion, N.Herascu, Kramers-Kronig analysis of 5,10,1,20-tetra-p–sulfonato-phenyl-porphyrin (TSPP) as photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 7/6 (2005) 3155 – 3160

Title: Kramers-Kronig analysis of 5,10,1,20-tetra-p–sulfonato-phenyl-porphyrin (TSPP) as photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy

Abstract: Photodynamic therapy is a local treatment modality of cancer, based on the administration. of photosensitizer, which is selectively retained al tumoral level, and which after the optical radiations exposure lead to the tumoral tissue destruction. The application of the photodynamic therapy in clinical practice presents many problems. The present study aims to correlate the refraction indices of the tumoural tissue with refractive indices of photosensitizer solutions and optical radiation distribution at tumoral level. There were used diffuse reflection spectrophotometry and molecular absorption spectrophotometry for the characterization of the optical properties of certain photosensitizer and the Kramers-Kronig analysis for the determination of the refraction indices of the solutions.

Key words: porphyrin; photodynamic terapy; cancer; photosensitizer; diffuse reflectance spectroscopy; Kramers-Kronig analysis.


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