
M.Popescu, F.Sava, A.Lorinczi, D.Savastru, S.Miclos, R. Savastru, Microspheres, planoconvex microlenses and optical fibres based on glossy As2S3, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater., 7/2 (2005) 1103-1106

Title: Microspheres, planoconvex microlenses and optical fibres based on glossy As2S3

Abstract: Microspheres and planoconvex lenses (50 divided by 400 mu m in diameter) based on glassy As2S3, an important infrared material, have been produced by a special flame melting technique. Glassy fibres of 45 mu m in diameter, with the length of 10-20 cm have been drawn from melt. The morphological properties of these optical elements have been investigated.

Key words: optical microspheres; microlens; planoconvex microlens; glassy AS(2)S(3)

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