
M. Elisa, C. E.A.Grigorescu, C. Vasiliu, M.Bulinski, V.Kuncser, D. Predoi, G.Filoti, A. Meghea, N. Iftimie, Maria Giurginca, Optical and electronic properties of the aluminophosphate glasses doped with 3d- transition metal ions, Reviews on Advanced Material Science, 10 (2005) 34-40

Title: Optical and electronic properties of the aluminophosphate glasses doped with 3d- transition metal ions

Abstract: Aluminophosphate glasses doped with Fe, Mn, and Cr have been obtained by a wet non-conventional method. Structural information was provided by IR absorption spectra in the range 2000-500 cm(-1). The optical behaviour (transmission and refractive index) of the samples has been studied by UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy. The Fe valence state and the local coordination were also analysed via Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy, whose data revealed the redox equilibrium in the Fe-doped glasses according to the redox potentials of the transition ions

Key words: Iron Phosphate-Glasses; Melts


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