
C. Grigorescu, E.Valerio, L.Tortet, R.Notonier, H.J.Trodahl, V.J.Kennedy, A.Markwitz, S.A.Manea and M.Autric, Co2MnX (X = Si, Ge, Sn, SbSn) thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition, J. Cryst. Growth 275 (2005) 1183 -1188

Title: Co2MnX (X = Si, Ge, Sn, SbSn) thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition

Abstract: This present work concerns the growth and the characterization of Co(2)MnSi thin films deposited onto GaAs substrates. Two PLD configurations have been explored, the conventional 1-Beam-PLD and the 2-Crossed-Beams-PLD one. We demonstrated that, with 1B-PLD conditions, we got Co(2)MnSi polycrystalline structure with unwanted droplets. The 2 CB-PLD allowed us to get droplet-free, single crystalline thin films at substrate temperature as low as 353 K.

Key words: Pulsed Laser Deposition; Ferromagnetic alloys; Crystallized Heusler thin films; spintronics

Author: C.E.A. Grigorescu



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