
M. Calin, M.I. Gruia, Optical absorption study of the stability modifications of aqueous solutions of 5-aminolevulinic acid induced by the variations of the urinary pH, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 1/1 (1999) 63-68


Title: Optical absorption study of the stability modifications of aqueous solutions of 5-aminolevulinic acid induced by the variations of the urinary pH

Abstract: The photodynamic therapy of bladder cancer can be achieved via the administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), which is naturally converted into the photoreactive substance, the protoporphyrin LX. This study analyses the stability of aqueous solutions of ALA in different concentrations (0.5% 1% and 2%) having in view the influence of pH modification (pH range from 5 to 9) induced by the urine provided by patients with urinary bladder cancer. Patient's alimentation influences the values of urinary pH that induce high modifications of ALA aqueous stability. These results are important for the future strategies in administration of ALA and in photodynamic therapy.

Keywords: Photodynamic Therapy; Protoporphyrin-Ix; Bladder

Author: M. Calin

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