
D. Savastru, R. Savastru, R, L. Ion, M. Popescu, Laser pulse effects in Se-S glassy thick films, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 3/2 (2001) 307-310


Title: Laser pulse effects in Se-S glassy thick films

Abstract: Amorphous thick films in the system Se-S have been prepared by splat-cooling Local irradiation of the films with laser pulses of various intensities and wavelengths were carried out. The effects induced by laser pulses with special emphasis to the eutectic composition Se42S58 were investigated by optical microscopy and before and after annealing of the films. For low density of power incident on the film, a local photo-darkening effect is observed. For mean power density the photo-darkened region increases. For high power density a considerable destructive effect appears, which determine the appearance of clusters of bubbles after annealing the film at the softening temperature.

Keywords: Se-S alloy; glass; thick films; laser pulse; darkening; bubble memory

Author: D. Savastru

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