

The main objective of the Action was to establish active links between European laboratories working in the field of artificial materials for photonics applications, where the structural dimensions are at or below the wavelength of light.

Fabrication of such structures has become possible due to the expertise delivered by nanotechnology, which opens the way to the study of new functional artificial materials and plasmonic structures, promising progress in miniaturisation - and which will allow exploration of new aspects of light-matter interaction. The goal was to increase knowledge about the basic mechanisms of the interaction of light with matter on a sub-wavelength scale. The scientific innovation concerns: the basic mechanisms of light-matter interaction in micro- and nanostructured materials - including metals (plasmonics), the trade-off between strong localization and propagation losses, photonic diagnostic instruments, and non-linear effects. The technological impact of the Action lead to the implementation of advanced optical equipment and devices with high performance and low cost. The scientific transformation resulting from the Action will facilitate interconnection between topics that will produce new results in the field of photonics and pave the way to the forthcoming era of nanophotonics.

Tuesday the 25th. Copyright © INOE 2012
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