
Climate and weather observations are essential for the development of climate change policies and weather services securing the safety and quality of life of the public. Atmospheric observing systems for GEOSS/GMES in Europe will be integrated to satisfy requirements for climate, environment and security.This Action will coordinate deployment and further development of integrated ground-based remote sensing systems to provide key atmospheric variables such as clouds, winds, temperature and humidity. These systems observe at high time resolution providing observations of atmospheric processes relevant to climate and weather but will need to be cost-effective. Long term deployments (testbeds) of observing systems will be used to judge their effectiveness and cost-efficiency so design recommendations for the future European integrated observing network can be delivered. Development in data assimilation techniques will allow the observations to be fully exploited in numerical models. The observing infrastructure will also be used to evaluate and improve climate and weather forecast models, and to validate other observing systems, including satellite and aircraft. Keywords: Long term trials of ground-based integrated profiling systems, Cost effective upper air observing networks suitable for climate and weather, GEOSS/GMES (Global Earth Observations System of Systems/Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), WMO/GCOS (World Meteorological Organisation/Global Climate Observing System).


Dr. Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea. is one of the experts representatives of Romania to EG-CLIMET since Dec. 2010, together with Prof. Dr. Sabina Stefan (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics)


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