
Magurele, Romania, 28 September 2011




On 28 of September, between 17:00 and 21:00 hours, His Excellency Mister OYSTEIN HOVKINN, Ambassador of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Romania has visited the National Institute of Optoelectronics (INOE 2000), for the official opening ceremony of the Romanian Atmospheric Observatory – RADO. The project was funded by Norway through the Norwegian Cooperation Program for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development with Romania.  


Before the opening of this new location, an evergreen tree was planted by His Excellency as a symbol of life, eternity and friendship. During the visit, His Excellency has given an inaugural speech and visited the RADO new building and facilities.

The event was attended by almost 70 participants. 

Saturday the 25th. Copyright © INOE 2012
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