
Greater Region, 13th & 14th June 2012 - Luxembourg


The unique b2b meeting platform for innovative SMEs in the Greater Region, 13th & 14th June 2012 - Luxembourg

b2fair – Business to Fairs® in close collaboration with its partners of the Greater Region and the ´Enterprise Europe Network´ will organise its matchmaking activities in the framework of the Great Region Business Days. This matchmaking event offers the ideal meeting place to promote and to generate potential business contacts between companies at interregional and international scale.

The 1st edition of the “GR BUSINESS DAYS 2012” will be organized be the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce with the aim to offer participating companies the possibility to benefit in a dynamic and interactive way from an array of sophisticated and added value b2b services in an interregional and international business atmosphere. Furthermore, this event will enable participating companies to generate new business leads while increasing visibility at low cost and widening the reach towards a qualified audience of important decision makers, buyers, company managers, project implementers and innovative start-ups. This new professional trade fair aims at stimulating competitiveness and growth amongst SMEs in the Greater Region and beyond and will encompass exhibition stands, symposiums, a start-up village, a multisectorial b2fair matchmaking with an automotive forum, speed pitches, interactive conferences, a TV Stage, networking receptions and more.

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Tuesday the 25th. Copyright © INOE 2012
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